
Pregnant mom and use meth?

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Okay this question is not for me, but a friend. His wife is pregnant and still using a lot of meth. He wants to know if there is a way to get custody of his baby once is born. Can the doctors find out if the baby is a meth baby. Is there any test out there to prove the mother was using meth while pregant? He wants to know because she does not want to let him see the baby one is born. He wants to fight it. But wants to know how? Hair sample form baby or her? she is currently six months and probably still using.




  1. The doctor's and nurses will probably be able to tell that the baby has been exposed to drugs after it's born.  Your friend needs to court order a paternity test to establish legal paternity.  He then needs to go through the court system to get custody - which he'll probably have a good chance of if he is clean and sober w/ a job and the mother is a meth addict.  He might want to take to a family law lawyer or paralegal about whether he has options as far as filing for emergency custody after the paternity tests goes through, for the safety of the baby.  Bottom line is, laws are different in each state and he needs to get real legal advice if he is serious about getting custody.

  2. Definitely.  The baby will be born addicted to meth if she uses during her pregnancy.  If he can get a doctors diagnosis saying such, he can definitely get custody because of her being an unfit mother.  Poor child...God bless him/her.

  3. if you think the man is being serious, you should have him call the police and/or social services to report it now. This is not a joke and he should not wait. It will be difficult for the doctors now to tell any immediate damage to the baby depending on the frequency of use by the mother and how far the baby is along, but they can definitely tell if the mother is using. Tell him not to wait but call the police and social services first thing in the morning or tonight if there is a hotline. And if the husband still uses, YOU should call the police on both of them, because even though you are not legally a party to this case as of this moment (although you will be if you see either one of them actually using) you have a moral obligation to protect that baby. So if they both are nut bags, you have to call SServices yourself.

  4. Does she not go to the OB?  I would think that a simple urine test at the doctor's office would be sufficient to show she's using illegal drugs.

    Perhaps I'm wrong about this, but I think he should call his local narcotics officer and find out what he can do.  She should be put in jail for using illegal drugs while pregnant.

    As for custody, they're married.  There IS no custody arrangement.  They have equal custody because they're married.  If he divorces her, he will need to have a drug test to prove that she uses and he does not to prove that she's an unfit mother due to drug use.

  5. my best friend was in the same situation with her cousin. her cousin ended up pregnant, and WOULD NOT STOP using drugs. my friend called children services to see what she could do, like mabye having her cousin put into a drug rehab facility untill the baby was born, or getting custody of the baby after it was born. what they told her, was there was nothing they could do untill after the baby was born. i suspect they really couldn't help my friend out, or give much advice because she was just a cousin. the lady my friend talked to didn't seem interested in helping out.

    what i would do, is start with a call to the mothers doctor she see's for her prenatal visits. then, i'd get in contact with children services, and finally a lawyer. tell your friend to just start doing as much calling around as possible. i'm sure someone can lead him in the right direction and offer some help.

  6. he can request through the courts she be tested now and by the time the baby is born he can get custody if she hasen't stopped as long as he can prove he is clean he is the leagal custodian if she sees unfit to the courts not the state they will come second if they see him unfit

  7. All babies are tested for drugs when they are born.  The baby will be addicted to meth and going through withdrawls when she is born so - the state will take custody of the baby, most likely, to get her the treatment she needs.  The father needs to speak with a lawyer to be prepared once the baby is born.  If they are still married, he can wait till the baby is born then file for seperation and request full custody.   He should ask the lawyer what he can do now about her drug use, someone should be made aware about her potential use of meth.

    He should also take a parenting class.  he can see if there are classes that specialize in babies born addicted to drugs.. because they often have colic and tend to have behavior issues once they are older.

    The hospital will do a simple blood test to test for drugs.  This is done all the time and is a routine test.  Hospitals must know if a baby is addicted to drugs so they can give them the proper treatment

    I agree with Cordualy M - there needs to be something done soon if possible.  even though the damage from the Meth has probably already been done, there may be a way to wean her and the baby from the addiction which will help the baby at birth.

    the person who mentioned a DNA test might have missed the fact that you said it was this guys wife.  In the US, most if not all states, have laws that state if a child is conceived during marriage the husband is legally the father regardless of what a DNA test says.  That is the reason why, in most states, only one parent, when the couple is married, has to sign the birth cert but if the couple is not married - both have to sign it.  These laws are in place to protect the child.

  8. call a lawyer, see what you have to do. they can spine tap the baby to see whats in the babys system

  9. get professional help

  10. how bout you mind your own business. if he wants to know he will be finding out


    idiot...funny stuff, and no i dont do drugs,  i dont even drink. i also dont get into my friends business and ask for advice for them on the internet.

  11. yeah he can especially if the mother test positive for the drug and it shows in the baby when its born like go through with drawls and stuff

  12. Tell  him to report her to her doctor immediately and to fight for custody right away.  Good luck.

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