
Pregnant or not?????

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I have been on bc pills for years. I missed one a couple of months ago but took it first thing the next morning. I'm 3 weeks late, though. I usually start 2 days into the "fake" pills. I got cramps that day and was all bloated like normal but there was only this teeny tiny spec of blood. Mine is usually lite and short (3-4 days at most). I waited and took a home test, and it was negative. Where is my period? Is this normal? I haven't told my husband because he wants kids so much, but I don't at all and definately not right now.




  1. If you definitely don't want any, why are you not on something more reliable... the shot, the implant, or whatever?  Pills at their best are only 94-98% effective, which means if 100 women use that product a year 4-6 will become pg, even if they follow directions exactly.  And I have three friends who became pg on the pill, used exactly as directed.

    Just as an aside:  I sympathize with your feelings.  Not for one nanosecond did I ever want kids, and at 57 not sorry even for half that long... 1/2 of a nanosecond... life is too short, and the planet tooooo wonderful, and vacations in Africa, South America, the Galapagos, Egypt, yaddydyadya... to spend time being a babysitter....'sides, there are enough women who wanted to do that, so why bother.  As a result, have lovely freedom and never a boring day.. Marriage?  wonderful!!!!   Babies?? no, don't think so.

    So hon, if that's a big deal to him, you and he had better have a talk.  Babies, like betrayal are deal busters.... ya can't have half a baby as a compromise.

    And I know you didn't really ask this, but something you might consider......

  2. Well....I would think, Yes.

  3. u could b pregnat,if i where u i'd make an appointment and go and c ur doctor and get a proper test done as home pregnancy tests arent always accurate!

  4. yes, ofcourse, u 're

  5. Congratulations may be in order.

  6. yes u are

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