
Premonitions/Visions, PRACTICE!?

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Ello, I'm a Psychic Empath. I rarely get Premonitions and visions...sometimes, when im reading friends of mine i ask my spirit guide for premonitions/visions, but he doesn't always give them to me. How do i improve them? Plz, help like i wanna experience them more.




  1. You have to be more imaginitive.  Let your creativity run loose and you're bound to fabricate something you can use.

  2. Come and join Mystic it is an entire learning experience. I have been there for a bout 5 weeks now and I am floored.

  3. I think the best advice I can give you is to ask you to take a step back and really think about whether there is a good reason to believe that you have a "spirit guide" at all. After that, consider if there really is good evidence to support the idea of psychic premonitions. At that point, either you'll discard these ideas or you'll convince yourself further that they exist and the power of suggestion will give you more "experiences".

  4. Hello Mr Therapy

    The reason why you don't get all of the answers that you wish can be due to 2 things.

    1 - You care for your friends & dont wish to upset them etc, even if this thought is at a subconscious level it will block.

    2 - The friend is not meant to have the answer at that time.


  5. I would treat this like any other human ability and go on the theory that practice will improve it.

    Meditation (and other states of altered consciousness) may help but this would have be found out via old fashioned trial and error.

    As for keeping a record of your premonitions I have provided you links below.

  6. As a psychic empath.why would questions be necessary?

  7. I've noticed that the more time I spend "being spiritual" the more open I am to receive.  If I take the time to study (I study Course in Miracles) everyday I feel better - and it takes less than 5 minutes to read the daily lesson.  I'm sure you have your own way to center yourself, whether it's going for a walk or meditating, or just sitting quitely and asking your guides for guidance - that's what you need to do.

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