
Preschool math and science curriculum?

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I need to write a math and science curriculum for preschoolers (ages 3-6)...what are some good resources?




  1. This site has a list of preschool activities:

  2. there are some great math and science books out there and some are available in the local library so you dont have to pay for them.  

      try titles like 101 science experiments for children , or any of the regular lesson plan books for preschoolers they usually have math and science topics in them.

    one of my personal favorites ways to show and teach about math and science is a cooking project: you can start really easy at the beginning of the year and as the children mature add more complicated projects.

    some really easy ones include salads

      turn a half peach so the rounded side is up

    (write or draw the steps so the children can follow the process and help with early reading skills too), so in your recipie(sp?) choose __ pretzel sticks for hair, raisins for eyes, lettuce leaves for ears, etc and then when done the child can eat their salad.

    try stone soup: there is a great story to read to the children and they can all bring in some thing for the soup or crackers to share too.

    send a letter to the parents asking for a few items from each family----potatoes, onions, celery, carrots, soup bone(to add without the children knowing or boullion for flavor), or any other veggie for soup making, and spices too. Before hand remember to find a stone or two and boil them for several minutes for added excitement and safety.  when all is onhand use either several crockpots or larges soup pans and cook away. every year when i did this project with my kindergartners or pre-k classes it was one of the favorites.

    as far as math alone it can be done with lots of fun too.

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