
Prescription drugs in Mexico?

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Is it true that in Mexico you can go to a pharmacy and get vicodin, soma, or whatever else you want? If this is true where in Mexico is the best place to go?




  1. it's not true.  you can get many drugs w/o a prescription that would normally require a prescription in the US...such as some pain medication, birth control, mild anitdepresents, viagra, etc..

    but many other drugs require the precription.  not ony that, you must have a US doctors prescription to bring the drugs back to the US.  

    you can go to any pharmacy, it doesn't matter which one.

  2. NO, it is not true.   Some medications, like anti-biotics and anti-hypertensives, eye gtts, ointments can be purchased without a prescription.  Controlled substances, narcotic  meds, pain killers CANNOT be purchase without a prescription from and HONEST pharmacy.  There is NO Vicodin in Mexico.  Some dishonest border town phamacies may SAY they are selling you Vicodin or other controlled substances, but you have no idea what is REALY in those pills they rip you off for.

  3. No, you mustr have a script! not true. Of course same you can get all these drugs from aguy around the corner in NY, London or Mexico city.

    And why wasted time and money on mexico trips when you can buy anything you want online?

    This is a good place I use for a few years

    Only escuse I could find going to mexico for meds is combining it with a vacation trip:))

  4. This question has been done many times before.

    The answer is NOT true. (false).

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