
Prescription for PMS?

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Is there anything I can get my doctor to prescribe me to help my PMS symptoms? I swear I've seen a commercial for something.

My main issue is that I get extremely depressed and have severe mood swings. I've dealt with it most of my life but now that I have a child, it's really getting in the way




  1. yep talk to your doctor. there is lots out there.  

  2. You might have PMDD, which is what I have. It's like PMS on steroids. Prozac worked wonders for me except it killed my s*x drive and made me tired all the time. There are some other anti-depressants that also are approved to treat PMDD -  you might just have to try different ones to figure out what works for you. Also some types birth control pills can help. Now I just take Seasonique birth control pills so I only have four periods a year.
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