
Preseed vs. preconceive?

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whats the difference and any positives with it?




  1. precede = to go on, continue with your conversation

    preconceive = idea before you new the facts

  2. As I understand it preseed is a sperm friendly lubricant, but I haven't talked to my doctor about it.  I just know you're not supposed to use the typical KY type when trying to conceive.  I think, but am not positive that pre conceive is a home test for sperm, to see if there are any problems.

  3. I'm familiar with PreSeed lubricant but not preconceive.  PreSeed is one of the only lubricants that is safe to use while trying to get pregnant. A lot of people use it to when TTC. PreSeed is not found in most stores so you usually have to order it online, while Pre Conceive is sold at most major drugstores. That said, I know people who have used PreSeed to conceive but I don't personally know anyone who has used Pre Conceive.  But since Pre Conceive is sold in drugstores, I imagine there must be reviews of it online somewhere.  Maybe fertility message boards?

  4. I bought preseed over the internet... using it this month but I think the only difference is the availability.. preconcieve you can buy at the drug store.. preseed... you can buy online and a few stores from there wedsite.. Hopefully preseed works like I said Im using it for the first time

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