
Presidential Political Poll.?

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A. Obama

B. McCain

C. Other

D. Undecided




  1. AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. B. No question

  3. B. McCain

  4. B.

    here's WHY:

    Here is the truth: Obama is charismatic, but that's about it. He says what people want to hear. Obama is a poor choice, no matter what the bias media tells you; He has LESS experience than Palin!! She was GOVERNOR to 7000 people & fought corruption for a couple YEARS. These are all facts. He was only a senator for a very short time before running for president. America cannot afford to have Obama leading the country. I don't care how much charisma he has. I'm not buying into it; We need a strong leader with experience when half the world is at war (think Russia/Georgia, Iran threatening all the time, Iraq, N.Korea issues, etc), All this "change" mumbo-jumbo is getting to me. He promises the world, and it's too good to be true. Government cannot take care of everything; And I don't want them to. I want to live my own life, thanks. Having gov't completely taking over our lives is downrite scary.

    I am a registered Independent. I vote for both republicans & deomcrats. Unfortunetely, there isn't an independent running. I WAS going to vote for Obama. But, After doing heavy research ON MY OWN (not just watching bias CNN, etc), I found out McCain would be the best choice for Americans.

    GO McCain - Palin 08!  

  5. A. Obama

    Isn't that an obvious answer?

  6. I was going to hold my nose and vote for McCain to protect the country from Marxism/Communism. Now that he picked Governor Palin I am going to grin while I vote for McCain/Palin. I was so happy when Obama picked that old fool Biden. In the Senate since the Vietnam war. That is change and hope alright.

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