
Preventing leg cramps?

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How can I prevent cramps while running? I get them in the front lower half of my legs where my shins are. I wear running sneakers so I don't think it's my shoes.




  1. make you strech good and try jogging for a while

  2. Apparently, when you run... you  just prob stretch and then take off running.  Thats very bad. This is just putting your legs in shocked. Their doing something that they didnt think they were going to do.

    I would stretch and walk for a little while. Walking will help your legs prepare. You know army people and how they walk? With their legs up against their chest? You should do stuff like that. I would also get on my "tippy toes" and then get off... then get on..and off. Put the middle of your feet on a big angel like a the end of a sofa. Just half on it and half on the floor. Slowly move forward and you will feel a big stretch.

    I also think that your running to long. I would also cut down the time. I dont think that your ready to run that long.

    Running shoes pretty  much only help your feet from cramping.

  3. I drink pickle juice to avoid cramps, usually a day or two before my events. Sounds like you may have shin splints, check with you doctor.

  4. shin splints! stretch out your calves!

  5. stretch more

  6. Slow down, take walking breaks, run fewer miles. Shin splints (and most other runner's complaints) are a symptom of doing too much too soon. Build up gradually.
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