
Price of GAS...?

by  |  earlier

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I heard it said word of mouth and even on YA.

Stop buying gas from at least one major company and that will cause them all to lower their prices.

People usually say it won't work because they sell gas and other oil products around the world and blaw blaw blaw.

Americans work for these companies and the company will just lay them off blaw blaw blaw.

It will only hurt the poor poor store that sales the gas blaw blaw blaw.

It's a fact that these companies are making record profits.

That is the problem, they are making too much profit.

It will work if we stay informed, experiment, and adapt.

Further more, there is loads of oil in Africa. Let them drill.

The best thing to do is not use gas. There is a car that runs completely on compressed air. It is legal to buy in America does anyone know where to find one?

If your are going to dispute me on this I want sources.

We have to do something.

There is at least one thing we CAN DO, isn’t there?

I know there is...




  1. My husband espouses the boycott theory. Boycott one brand for a month in rotation. Everybody says it is all hot air and it won't work well, definitely won't work if it isn't done.  BUT!! TA DA!!  There is something we CAN do now! and it works NOW!  Slowdown..IN the seventies we instituted a 55 mile speed limit.  It worked it works still. Our totally gutless wonders won't do it but it is something we can do voluntarily.  Just going from 78-69 gives three more mpg.  Obviously it only works on road trips, but it does work.

    Also stay away from Ethanol if at all possible.  It will cut your mileage by a bunch. (unless you have a flex fuel car) In our car we go from an avg of  25 to an avg of 20.

    The rest of the hints that you read about  work, but these two are rarely mentioned.

    If someone wants to start a boycott  count me in.

  2. yeah, precisely, good idea, they'll drill even more then, prices will fall soon. but cos. should hav invesyed heavily in ur regions, and see other products dont run away...

  3. No.  Your only hurting the small guy, the owners of the convenient stores...the oil companies would still be paid regardless.

  4. Not buying gas for one day won't do a thing. That's been on Snopes for the loooooooongest time (go to snopes .com for your source). If you really want to do something to beat the high price of gas, get an electric car (not a hybrid...all electric), or ride a bike.

  5. One of the main reasons oil companies have such record profits is they own some of the oil wells.  That doesn't mean they have a capacity to cut oil prices, it means one aspect of their business is performing better than before.  The basic problem remains supply and demand.  Theres about 83 million barrels of oil produced a day globally and they aren't able to easily increase this number any longer.  Extracting marginal oil sites is more expensive.  We consume around 12 million barrels per day in the U.S. as it is so we can't really complain about increased chinese and indian portions of the total boosting prices.  We've been enjoying a couple decades of consuming a quarter of the worlds oil at cheap prices.  There isn't really enough to go around at this 2 car per household economy we've gotten used to.  What's going to happen when the other three quarters of Asia get their cars?
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