
Pride and Prejudice???

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In the novel, Pride and Prejudice, Lady Catherine is always mentioned. I have read the novel and have no clue as to who she may be. I am confused and would like anybody to tell me who Lady Catherine is. Thank you.




  1. She's Darcy's aunt.

  2. As you've been told, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, whose husband was Sir Lewis de Bourgh, is the aunt of Mr. Darcy. She was the sister of Mr. Darcy's mother.

    Colonel Fitzwilliam is also Lady Catherine's nephew as well as Mr. Darcy's cousin.

    Lady Catherine is also the patroness of Mr. Collins, which means he has his position of clergyman in her parish because she gave him the living (i.e., the job). People with large estates often had the ability to give a church living.

    Lady Catherine doesn't specifically judge the Bennett family before meeting them but feels superior to ANYONE who is not of the same class as she. (She and her sister were born to a titled nobleman; their husbands were from wealthy and ancient lineage.) Only aristocrats would be considered, by Lady Catherine, to be as important as she.

    Lady Catherine and Mrs. Darcy (her sister, Darcy's mother) had wanted Mr. Darcy to marry Anne de Bourgh (1st cousins did marry in those days). Lady Catherine believes that Elizabeth is far too low on the social scale to be anything but an embarrassment to Mr. Darcy.

  3. She's that rich lady that lives on that manor across from the place where Elizabeth is satying And  is  related to Mr.Darcy. His aunt I believe

  4. Lady Catherine de Bourg is the that very rich woman that Mr. Collins is obsessed about. She also happens to be Mr. Darcy's aunt and her daughter Miss de Bourg is supposedly betrothed to Darcy.

    She's really annoying and she's played by Judi Dench in the most recent Pride and Prejudice movie.

    I'm reading that book right now. It's amazing!!!

  5. Lady Catherine is a noblewoman with lots of money, she is Mr. Darcy's aunt. She is rude and bossy, and Mr. Collins patron for his rectory.

  6. Did you read about Mr. Collins? He's Elizabeth's father's cousin who comes to visit them, falls for lizzie and wants to marry her... later on he marries lizzie's friend Charloette and lizzie gets invited to go visit her at her new place.

    Now Mr. Collins lives in another town/city and Lady Catherine is a wealthy lady in that town, she is also Mr. Darcy's aunt .. but basically she is good to Mr. Collins because he is the local priest and I think she pretty much owns so much of the town that he feels in debted or "honoured" with the gifts she is showering him with.

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