
Primary schools in montreal?

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Hi, I'll be moving to Montreal soon (new immigrant) my 6 years son speaks English but not French, how can I enroll him into English primary school (but not private school) and what are the names of best primary schools in montreal? their location? and any additional information you might advise. Cheers




  1. he has to do one year of private school (in english) in order for him (or any other of your children) to go to an english public school. or, you had to go to an english school in quebec for this.

    and he's only 6! thats the perfect age to learn a new language.

    you can send him to a french school and he will pick it up, you know, they also have english classes in french schools so he will be bilingual. I think this would be a good idea because if ever he needs french in the future, this would be the perfect opportunity to learn it.

  2. Unless YOU went to a English speaking school in Quebec, you  are going to be forced to send him to a French only school. No exceptions.

    This is just one more example of how the political  system in Quebec is slanted against the use of English.

    At age six he should be quite able to learn another language and if you intend to continue to live in Quebec, he will need it.

    How is your French ability ? With out it, working in Quebec is going to be a challenge you know .

    Jim B. Toronto.

  3. As Jim stated (rancorously, I might add), your son will have to enroll in a French primary school. Since he is only 6, he will pick up French VERY rapidly. Although we speak both French and English at home, my son went to French schools and had many friends who spoke only English when they started 1st grade. They had no difficulty with learning the material. And by the end of the year, all were fluently bi-lingual. The teachers are very adept in helping non-French speaking students adapt. And the plus side is that your son will become fluent in a second language which will be very advantageous to him in the future. As for montreal neighborhoods, I've included a link below. Of these areas the only ones I would not recommend are those located in the Borough Sud-Ouest (south west). Hope this helps.

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