
Prince harry - soldier or prince?

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ginger hair - royal - sponger - sat miles away from real soldiers - t**t.

couldn't we keep him there and let some mad ****** do us all a favour and save us some money from the civil list?

the problem then though is that another "accident of birth" would come along and sting us for more cash.....

before you type your reply - think about your surroundings - are you sat in a castle surrounded by servants?

if you have (or and i hope this hasn't happened to your children "had") kids in the armed services in iraq/afghanistan - do you think they are in danger so can be pulled out?




  1. Ok.  I've had about enough of this c**p!  

    Poor Harry!  Lost his mum ten years ago, with no one to take care of him, he's gone a bit astray.  Finally gets his c**p together and does something brave and useful and you all rip on him for it!

    ENOUGH!!  It sounds to me like, first, he really WANTED to serve his country, second, he really wanted to get away from the damned tabloid press who have hounded his every move for five years, after essentially, being to blame for the death of his Mum.  He would have been happy to stay there for years and finish out his tour, or, from what I can see, die for his country, rather than be called back, because his damned red hair (WTF is the problem with THAT?)  could make him visible enough to be a danger to his comrades.

    As for the freaking castle thing...Have you ever been in a castle?  do you know how dank and damp and draughty they are?   I wouldn't take his life on a bet, and I think, by and large, he's pretty much finally figuring it out, to make something important of himself.

    Let the poor kid do his job, and be done with it!

    Haven't seen this much action on this category in the whole time I've been messing around here.

  2. the question Was never so much that he was in danger more the fact that he was there put OTHERS in danger, i think that the losers that released the fact he wa there in the first place should be prosecuted under the heading of endangering lives. Were you really all that bothered until you got your inferiority complex because you weren't informed. At least he's prepared to go out there and try make a difference so what the h**l are you doing except beefing about someone who MAY have a better upbringing than you but DEFINITELY has bigger balls you tosser, it wasn't a lightly made decision and if you actually listened to the interviews now being aired you would realise that the boy is an inspiration to the soldiers serving in Afghanistan

  3. They always like the Royals to have had military experience, and if they can get them into a war that raises their coolness factor enormously.  But in modern times it just doesn't work, for security reasons.  A prince in a unit is just a moving target.  The whole unit has an even bigger bullseye on it than it normally does.

    If the royal family members have to serve in the military then they are better off undersea in a nuclear submarine or on a ship or something.

  4. i am totally surprised that the queenie let her baby go.

  5. After you come back from serving in Afghanistan I will listen to you

  6. Give Harry a break! He's done something that most of us would not do willingly. And, I hope people will start being kinder to him.

    best of luck to you!

  7. you should be hung for speaking about the Prince like that ... shame on you ..

    logic says, a Prince in Afgan, is a target, but as usual the good old USA opened their gob for money and put his life at risk ..

    do you work ?

  8. princes and kings use to fight in the front army hundreds of your ago.. so why cant they do the same now!?

    i say his both.. a trained soldier and born as a prince, so long has he has no special treatment over the other troops than its ok

  9. The better question is  Can he continue to serve? And I believe not. Now that his pic has been splashed all acrooss the airwaves, he and his regiment are at greater risk as they could be looking for him.

    HRH Harry went out and did something he could have easily shrugged off to someone else. You should stand by his side shoulder to shoulder, not stab him in the back.

  10. the only problem with keeping him there is the risk to the other lads who would die looking after him. The royals have no idea of real life, what ever they do, or where they go, there is someone looking out for them. 10 pages al about the prince in the Sun today, who cares, i don't see the same care being given to the others, why don't we bring them all home.

    good question

  11. Hey, look at it from their prospective:  It is their royal privilege by birth, besides you gotta protect your status quo from all the low-born riff-raff like us!   That royal mote isn't gonna clean itself ya know!!

  12. there are a couple of really spiteful answers here..!!.. soldier for sure.. well done harry..

  13. Well said zumphh he is neither, but he is a t**t just like the rest of them.

    I would not deliberately wish "ill" of him but I would really love to see him and the rest of his piggy family actually earn a living rather than sponge of us.  Privatise them and let the stupid zombies who want them pay for them!

  14. first off he doesn't live in a castle, second, he can't help the family/life he's born into and third he wants to fight for his country and was until the americans leaked it out. And whether we like it or not the taliban would have a field day if they got hold of him. Imagine how frustrating it would be to want to fight for your country and be told you're not allowed, now you look at your surroundings, do you have the freedom to go where you like and do what you please without the whole world watching.......

    he doesn't live in windsor castle, most of the royals live in places called palaces because thats what they are palaces

  15. And how close were you on the front lines while all this was going on?     My guess is over 4,000 miles or more.    

    Would you rather he stay there and a terrorist try to kill him and kill a doz other men as well?

  16. Prince Harry?


    Ooops! I mean royal chav.

    I'm sure that the parents, partners and children of all the good men and women killed serving their country over the years must feel really good knowing their loved one(s) were just cannon fodder and weren't deemed special enough to pull out for their own protection whilst this S****y little royal yob - not so very long back seen wearing the n**i uniform complete with swastika at a drunken fancy dress party - is far too important to put at risk.

    What a revolting, cheap and nasty PR exercise this has been. And an absolute insult to the memory of every fallen soldier.

    Royal parasites.

  17. Pot smoking Ginge

  18. obviously your an ignorant a****hole who doesnt have a clue what your talking about, that young man has probably more guts, determination and drive than a no hoper like you will ever have, he is a prince who has chosen to fight for his country and the reason it was kept quiet was so his fellow servicemens lives were not put into any danger, no im nnot living in a castle with servants ARE YOU IN THE SERVICES SERVING YOUR COUNTRY

  19. ginger prince

  20. Both and we have to be proud of him.

  21. I musts answer your question by asking you one

    Are you seriously condemning someone for being born?

    Are you seriously condemning someone because you don't like the colour of their hair?

    Have you really got any point at all?

    Is the question one of should we have a royalty or another form of constitution, then you can hardly blame Harry!

    Your question is null.

    Notice the colour of my hair and skin, also my gender, the language I am speaking -  these are equally causes of someone's distaste, which may be all you have to coomplain about.

  22. I think that here you should be taken to task.

    The man (Prince Harry) served as a member of the armed forces, and as far as we know, conducted himself in the correct way.

    it is not the individuals fault that it was published (by some stupid american T*at) that he was serving in Afghanistan.

    Do you not think that your time would be better taken up by recognising the fact that he has served his country ?

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