
Pro ana sites?????????????

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heya i was set a homework on anorexia over the holidays and I need to find as many pro ana sites as possible x I would appreciat this very much x thnx




  1. okaaaay,

    (Clearly youre lying.....but whatever)

    No teacher in their right mind would encourage girls to go to these sites....(even for educational purposes)....there is nothing positive you can learn from these websites

    I had anorexia  when i was younger and believe me, its not some 'hobby' you want to pick up....

  2. If you google you will find lots of pro ana and pro mia sites. But please be cautious when reading them. If you are already sensitive or worried about your weight or body shape, they can be very suggestive.

    I'm not saying that you will become this way, I'm just saying please be careful. Some of the pictures you see can be quite upsetting too.

  3. This is my youtube one, it's not only for pro anas but oh well hope i helped x

  4. There are some around, but they are morally wrong.  If you dig a bit, you may find some, but to be honest I think you're making it up.  What school would make you look at pro anorexia websites?

    Plus, you should have done the work ages ago - slacker!

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