
Problem in my legs?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes when i stand or walk i feel like i am losing the feel of my legs . feels like im on the air . feels like i will fall down i dont feel them idont know sometimes for seconds. i dont feel dizy or anything i just lose the feeling of my legs. like they gone all heavy than complete loss of feeling just for couple of seconds. please dont say its low blod pressure becasue its not . i got checked . that happened today as well. i did not fall but i had to hold on to someone in supermarket. i am not worried enough to go gp but its just started to happen more often




  1. Hmm could be something to do with your nerves i would get yourself to your doctor only they will give you the answer you need. This could be serious so dont wait.

  2. lumbar spinal stenosis, nerve damage, brain tumor, spinal tumar, thoracic spinal stenosis, diabetes, leriche syndrome, cancer, etc.  There are tons of things this can be, and really you can't figure it out without getting checked out by a dr.
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