
Problem when running?

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I'm not an avid runner, but I have to get in suitable shape.

When I began running I'd have to stop because my lungs felt like they are on fire and I'm out of breath.

Now that problem is gone but now I have to stop because my lower legs particularly my ankles hurt...I want to be able to run longer and faster.....what else can I do to lessen the pain while running.

Apart from keep on running are there other excersises I can do?




  1. u can do squats they're good for legs

  2. Stretching is a major factor that many people overlook.  This sounds like a problem due to not stretching.  Stretching allows you to loosen your muscles up, and keep them from getting injured.

    You also may want to ice your legs after you run, to keep the swelling that occurs in the muscles down.

  3. stop smoking hooch

  4. make sure stretch very good... I know what you mean since i run basically every day of my life, it's stretching.

  5. Try doing 'negatives' to help ankle pain. They really helped me. To do a negative, focus on lowering weights. Do negative calf raises by lifting with both feet but lowering with one. Also do negative one leg squats by standing on a chair and lower yourself to floor with one leg.

    Negatives get  you strong very fast which means you will get faster and be able to run longer.
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