
Problem with 3 year old?

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Our riding arena shares a fenceline with a large pasture. Whenever I work a horse in the arena, my 3 year old in the pasture goes ballistic (even though there are always 3 other horses in the pasture with her). She runs up and down the shared fence line, neighing at the horse in the arena. Then she stops and starts pushing on the fence. It isn't a huge problem, but I don't want her to make a habit of pushing on my fencing, not to mention that it distracts the horse in the arena. Help?




  1. Why not try putting the horse in a stall for that time period.  That way the horse will not distract what you are working with and that three year old will not get hurt.  

  2. my advice is take a video of this and put it on youtube. it sounds hilarious.

  3. i got to words get a HOT WIRE fence it gives a very small electrice shock but will case no damage that will make her say off the fence but u have to deal with the runing on you onw srry

  4. first of all, how many times are you going to post this?! if poeple didnt know the answer the last time, they arent going to know this time.

    secondly, i would either put up electric wire, or put the problem horse in her stall while you ride. another thing you could try is to turn a horse out in the arena for a few days, so that she gets used to seeing a horse in there. that way when she sees you riding, it wont be as big of a deal. she's call and pace for a while, but she'll wear herself out soon enough. but i would definately put up a strand of electric wire so keep her from hurting herself.  

  5. she could have add. i think thats what its called? maybe try getting a nanny who can help keep her distracted with something else or u could?

  6. Run just one line of hot wire on the fence, then see if she tries to rub/nudge it. It might clue her in and she will hopefully stop.  

  7. Run hot wire along the top rail. That stopped our ponies from sticking their heads over the fence and biting horses as they went by on the rail.

  8. i wish i could help more but this is all i can think of...he probably wants to be the center of attention so try and exersize him more often(if he is broke and if not then maybe walk him on the lead a little each day)and when feeding time comes, take ur time and give him some attention. =]]

    good luck! AA

  9. wow she sounds like she's excited or fascinated by them. But you have to stop her from doing that because you dont want them to throw you out because of distraction. So try calming her down

  10. Your 3 year old is probably very attached to the horse your riding. Go figure why they want the one working but it is the way it is somethimes.

    The best thing to do is to put your 3 year old in a stall on the opposite side of the barn. Put a bit of hay or carrots in the bin and go on and ride. They are going to holler anyway but it will stop the running.

    If you can't do this it may be helpful to add a bit of hot wire on the fence that horse pushes. It may be just a temporary hot wire but it will make the 3 year old stay off the fence. If he ties you could do that for short periods of time.  

    It takes a while for the young ones to really get it, usually they get it when they start working themselves.

    Good luck EM

  11. my horse does the same thing. try giving her hay while you are working the other horse. works for me :-)

    also, if she is a little excitable on a regular basis, try giving her the supplement Ex Stress. It has had a huge calming effect on my horse! Good luck!

  12. All I can think of is either moving her to a diffrent pasture, or putting her in a stall/tying her up if you can. Not really much else, because I am sure if someone disstracted her with feed or petting as soon as they are done she would just go back to disstracting you.

    I think those are your only choices...sorry :(

  13. If you cannot work a horse anywhere else, then I would be inclined to bring the 3 year old into the barn while I rode my other horse

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