
Problems in school...?

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This is my fourth year of college and I have a problem because I am capable of doing very well. Unfortunately, I start off the semester very well, but end up burning out very quickly about half way in, cannot get up in the morning, or end up slacking on assignments. I need to take alot of credits next semester to make up for lost time. I always end up getting INCOMPLETES. I sometimes let relationship or family problems affect my moods or mental health. Any advice from people who have overcome this? I want to move forward in life and not waste time in school anymore.




  1. Let go of the belief that you need to take so many credits per year in college.  Yes you do need so many credits to maintain full time status, however you also need to do what's best for you.  If the work load is too much as is, why add to it next semester?  It is better to take less credits and earn better grades rather try to burn yourself out.  College isn't like high school where everyone graduates in 4 years.  Work at your own pace.

    Now if you truly feel burnt out, take a year off.  Another notion most people may need convincing of.  If you're like most students, you entered college fresh out of high school.  Some students actually do better with a year off, perhaps take on a job to earn some money.  When you return to school, your mind is fresh and you're more willing to learn.

    For me, I took 6 years to earn my bachelors.  Then I worked couple of years before deciding to return to school for my masters.  When I did return back to school I was more than eager to hit the books.

    Best of luck in your endeavors!

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