
Problems related to mining?

by Guest59696  |  earlier

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I'm doing an assignment for school and I need to outline some possible problems of mining. I searched all over the internet for ages and the best I could find is "Mining is very harsh on the environment." Does anyone know any other problems related to mining? About 3-4 would be great!! =] Thank yooou!




  1. Here is 5.

    1) mining creates groundwater and surfacewater (lakes and streams) contamination with chemicals and toxics.

    2)  openpit mining destroys the landscape (and is toxic too)

    3) Underground mining creates subsidence problems and the risk of open mines on the surface when they close.

    4) Mines typically use toxic chemicals in the leaching and processing of ores.  Poisons the environment

    5) Leave massive holes and piles of dirt that cause erosion issues.

  2. because mining bascially invoilesdigging up the ground andplants are often removed/killedin the proccess errosion occurs escpecially after the mine has fully been harvested, errosion causes soil particles to become airbourne andmost end up in water lakes ponds etc. high amountsof soil particles in water is high turbidity high turbidity is bad as it reduces the amount of  sunlight that can  penertrate the waters surface, the sunlight is blocked basically and plants in the ecosystem cant photosynethis and die, reducing amounts of foods for species that typically eat them.

    Also look up by-products of mining

    land after mining

    deforestation/habitat destruction

    so links

    there actually heaps just google the effectsof mining on environment

  3. How about this one,

    Over 60% of the US's energy comes form Coal that is mined by hard working men and women.

    Try to run your pc without that power.

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