
Problems with rooster's feet?

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I have a bantee (spelling?) rooster. His feet are very rough and the toes seem to be roting off. I am worried about it because it is slowly making his feet rot away to stumps. Here is a picture of him that I took a while ago. He is the one in the front. You can see one of his feet sticking out:

We bought him during the winter last year, so we thought it was just frost bite, but it has not stopped. Is there any way to stop it? He is my favorite rooster and I don't want to lose him.

The other chickens are having no problems.




  1. Take a picture of your rooster now.  Then take the old one and a new one to the Feed store, often they can help you with issues.  I find them a great resource, one because everyone who is a customer has asked them about most issues they have had with livestock of all kinds. Two if they don't know or have never seen that kind of thing before they will be able to give you the name of someone who deals with livestock issues.  Good luck and I hope your rooster gets well.

  2. It looks pretty bad.  I would guess that you were right about the frost bite, after that gangrene has started.  You may want to take him to a vet but I would think the best thing would be to put him out of his misery.  That sounds tough but I don't see him recovering.  Good Luck with him.

  3. I had the same problem i believe.

    It's caught from other birds usually pigeons.

    just brush on something to sterilize it we used methylated spirits it worked really well quite quickly too.

    but see a vet in case it's not the same problem.

    And that's the truth.

  4. go to the vet

  5. By the sounds of it you really like your chicken but it doesn't look real good. I assume you've tried dissinfectant like bathing them in detol. The worst part is they use the feet to wscratch and defend themselves so he will have a hard time functioning with even what he has left. Good luck

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