
Professional Journalism behavior?

by  |  earlier

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My friend just got a job at newspaper and their first assignment is to interview a high profile celebrity in person. Now their editor has asked them to get this celebrities autograph to hang in the office lobby. My friend doesn't feel comfortable doing this and in fact believes this is unprofessional. They have discussed their concerns with their editor, but the editor says they don't think it's unprofessional. So my question is, is it unprofessional for my friend to ask for their autograph? And how should they go about doing it if it's not?




  1. That is really declasse. The only way your friend's paper could be more of a Mickey Mouse operation is if the moved the printing press into Cinderella's Castle.

  2. I have been a journalist for many years and I can tell you that a top-level journo with even a modicum of self-respect would not behave like this. You don't ask people for autographs yourself and you certainly don't ask your subordinates to do your dirty work for you. It's not just unprofessional, it's yucky, creepy and totally icky :D

    If your friend has been put under pressure by his/her dropkick of a boss and feels unable to say outright "No - I won't do it", my advice would be for him/her to say to the celeb after the interview is safely finished: "Look, I'm really sorry about this but the editor has insisted that I ask you ..."  Chances are the interviewee will think it is totally pathetic, but at least the blame will be placed where it's due.

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