
Proper Wedding Etiquette?

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Is it proper or "traditional" wedding etiquette for the maid of honor to give a speech at the reception? I have always seen the best man give a speech but never the maid of honor. Thanks for all of your answers =)




  1. they can if they want to. there is nothing wrong with it. they are usually busy doing other things at the wedding or to shy to.  

  2. At most of the weddings I've been to, it's always been the best man who made the speech. However, at the last one I attended, whomever wanted to make a small speech, clinked their glass and said a few words to the bride and groom. This included most of the ppl who were part of the wedding party.

    To each their own ...  

  3. I would say yes. All the weddings that I have gone to the MOH and BM have said a speech. I would try to keep it at a minimum. Such as MOH and BM, Parents and then Bride and Groom to thank all the guests. All other speeches shoudl be made at the rehearsal diiner.

  4. I would talk to the bride about it and just tell her what the MIL asked of you. I don't think it's bad etiquette for the MOH to give a speech. I think it's fantastic, actually. I gave a speech at my sister's wedding in which I was the MOH. It was heartfelt and I think it was received really well.

    Do whatever is comfortable for you and the bride. :-)

    Best of luck to you!

  5. I've seen that in some weddings but it sounds like her mother in law is trying to mess things up so I would decline her request since the bride didn't ask you to do it, like you said.

  6. They can but they are not required to.

  7. I did one, but only because my bff asked me too. (she was the bride) They had a non-traditional wedding and she wanted me to give a speech as a way to help calm her nerves and represent her family (which didn't come to her wedding because her little sister had a baby the day before)

    Ask your friend, she may like it and you could say something to let her know that her wedding is perfect no matter what her harpy MIL is doing to sabotage it.

  8. Just quick check with the bride and see what she thinks. It is definitely proper etiquette though, if that's your question.  

  9. I think the only hard-and-fast "rule" is the best man.  However, I've been to weddings where everyone and their cousin has given a speech.  One I went to had "open mic" where anyone who wanted to could get up and say a little something.  I thought we'd never eat!  It all depends on culture, region and that sort of thing.  So, sometimes yes and sometimes no.

  10. Usually the best man is the one who is supposed to do a toast - but some MOH's will say a few words too. It really depends. I personally asked my MOH to say just a few words if she was comfortable doing so. Her toast was shorter than the best man's, but it was really nice and I'm glad that she decided to say something.  

  11. I've never seen that done. If the bride asks, I'd give one. Otherwise, I'd forget about it.

    Why don't you ask the bride what she'd prefer.

  12. Most weddings both the best man and MOH have given speeches.  Ask the bride if she would like you to.  If you are uncomfortable ask her if its ok if you do not.  

  13. Technically it is the best man who gives the speech but anyone can give a speech if it's ok with the bride and groom. For instance the father of the bride is supposed to give a speech but he wasn't comfortable with that idea so he didn't give a speech. You can do whatever you want

  14. Old rules: no, it was not considered ladylike. New rules: yes!  She may  talk about your friendship, your sterling qualities, and how glad she is that you are married to a great guy, tell stories. She can have and enjoy equal time with the best man's speech.

    And the same thing goes for the bride, old rules:no, the bride didn't speak, then she was allowed a few words.  Now she can say whatever she wants, even do a rebuttal to the groom's toast.

    And yes, all four can toast.  

  15. My daughter's maid of honor said a beautiful prayer.

  16. ask the bride if she wants you to.  

  17. Unless the bride asks you....then don't do it.

    I have only seen the MOH's giving a speech/toast within the last 10 years or so.  And, it is not at all weddings.  It really depends on the MOH.  If she is shy or doesn't want to...then no one should be forced to.

  18. Maid of honor give speaches... Something to tell her how beautiful she is, and maybe a happy memory, and how they were ment to be together forever

  19. Yep your maid aka matron of honor should make a speech it will be nice to hear her views of how she sees you and your  relationship


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