
Pros and cons about moving...

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i live in florida...and i might move to mass. with my family...what are some pros and cons about moving??? help please!!




  1. Pros:

      When you move there:

    Having new experiences.

    Making new friends.

    Potential new loves and new crushes.

    New schools.

    Climate/weather is really hot.

    Really friendly people (so I've been told).

    Plenty of great stuff to do like Disney Hollywood Studios and such.


    Moving away from your home.

    Leaving friends/relatives behind.

    Leaving crushes/loves behind.

    Weather, like I said can be really hot and a lot of ppl hate hot weather (like me).

    Packing clothes in boxes and the *actual* moving part.

    Possibility of siblings being whiny.  

  2. pros.

    new people

    new friends

    clean (no problems.)

    new school

    new teachers.


    no more palm trees.

    it can get colder in mass

    all your friends are gone.

    have to find a new best friend.

    have to leave your lover..if thats an issue.


    thats all i got  

  3. hey! okay well i lived in NY and moved to Florida just recently lol. so the cons are obvious: diff skool, place and your friends are left behind. but the pros are tht u might like it there actually and u will meet awesome friends and go to a cool school and meet cute boys lol thts how i look at it but moving was rlly hard for me but it gets easier although i still hav those moments where i get upset cuz im sad and stuff and i miss it but dont worry! u'll like it! and its not killing humidty and poisenous creatures and hurricanes n all tht.

  4. all of the memories that you will leave behind. if you don't move you will miss your family.  

  5. pros= people up north speak english, cons= snow

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