
Protecting men's chastity?

by Guest62987  |  earlier

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For the other women out there, do you feel responsible for protecting and defending male chastity by not dressing in a manner to promote lust? Do you feel it is wrong to expose your belly (womb) which is the most delicate and special part of who you are and your womanhood?

By the way, I am a woman who believes in dressing modestly for many reasons, including to help men avoid lust.




  1. No I do not. However I do not dress in this fashion.

    Just because a woman wears something provocative doesn't mean she is responsible for how men respond to it. Men have brains and like to tell us constantly how much smarter they are than us, so you would think these IMPULSES would be controlled by that supposedly larger brain, as they know right from wrong.

    That is like saying she is asking to be assaulted because of what she was wearing, which is ridiculous.

    I do not advocate provocative dress in any way. But give me a break!

  2. Do it for self respect and what you believe is right not for protecting men's chastity, If he cannot control himself it is his fault, not yours.

  3. I am an extremely lustful man and I will continue being lustful until RADICAL FEMINISM castrates me at which point I will become a eunuch and have zero ability to exhibit human emotion or behaviour that is otherwise normative.

  4. I think wearing a veil will keep men looking.

    Seriously - men are going to look at women, whether they are wearing pasties and a thong, of if they are wearing a sarong that covers their body. Men look, and so do women.

    It is each person's responsibility as to how they act upon it.

  5. seriously... I don't dress inappropriately and men still look... its what they do, doesn't matter if the women is hot or fugly, inappropriately dressed or not... by taking the responsibility on yourself you help him get out of being accountable... I see no point in that!

  6. I fail to see the importance of chastity. But, were it important, I think, even still, every individual needs to take responsibility for themselves. This means that if you're a guy and you see a women dressed in a manner that excites you but you're concerned with your chastity, you have only yourself to blame if you have s*x.

  7. good for you! the funny part about what you said is that women who are showing their belly buttons aren't even women they are young girls they are getting younger and younger and we need strong row models like you in the world to help guide them from selling their bodies, or selling them at such a young age.

  8. i really don't buy into this theory that men are these wild animals controlled by their baser instincts.

    women should dress modestly because they choose to, not because the men of the world can't keep it in their pants.

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