
Protocol - collecting for charity?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I (with the help of lots of friends!) are doing a number of fundraising events for two registered charities.

We are thinking of doing a fancy dress pub crawl in our area to raise both cash and awareness.

Do you know...

1) Who we would have to contact for authorisation?

2) How to do the seals for two charities?

We've got a collection box for one of the charities, but can't obviously use it to collect for both!!

Any help much appreciated




  1. 1. If you are collecting in a public place, you need to inform the local authority. If you are actually collecting in pubs, am not sure you need a licence, but best to inform the LA in case. You certainly need advance permission from the pubs you are going to visit.

    2. If you mean seals for the collecting boxes, you need to contact the charities concerned. You can buy boxes without labels and affix labels to them. Its a good idea to tell them you are doing this anyway as they will want to be sure that only reputable popele are using their good name and they might also have literature which they way want you to use.

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