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what does something so powerful like lsd make you feel.. im not some uneducated idiot asking about drugs.. but i am wanting to know the depths of the mind and how this drug opens someone... a true expereince is what im looking to hear about.




  1. jimson weed/ seeds, not really like LSD, it actually probably worst, just a little you can't even tell reality from hallucination's. Plus you can die real easy off it.

    It can make you black out and do crazy things, completely out of it.

    And it can last for days. I know this kid who ate some seeds, he broke into someones house, next day he was talking to hallucinated people in class.

    Not really mind expanding.

  2. ive been curious also. just about different drugs and how they affect the mind. i just dont want to try them yet because they're illegal and i dont want to permanently damage my brain

    ive read that lsd makes you trip pretty bad. like the halucinogens can sometimes be very frightening
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