
Psychic Abilities? Serious Answers Only Please.?

by Guest65827  |  earlier

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Okay, this is going to sound kinda strange. Mind you, I am a very strong Christian, but I believe I have abilities to see and hear things that other people can't. There have been several things happen to me in my life that make me believe that I can see and contact spirits, whether they be angels or demons (I believe that there is a spiritual world and that it is angels and demons fighting for the souls of the living). For instance, I have lived in several haunted houses. Is this just a coincidence or am I being followed? Also, about a year ago, I felt as though I was communicating with a spirit in my bathroom. I always felt as if there was someone watching me in my room and especially in the bathroom. While in the shower one day, I felt this and, just to test myself, I tried to communicate with a sprit. I asked it where it came from and received a reply (in my head, not in voice). Even though this was in my head, it was a name I had never heard of before. Am I psychic?




  1. no, u are not psychic. trace ur family line for psychological problems and if that fails go schedule a meeting with a psychologist. if the psychologist doesnt say u are crazy, find one that will

  2. I am the bathroom spirit.Everything was spectacular.You are undoubtedly physic.

  3. You will find many don't believe your experience is real, and conclude it is from some mental imbalance.  As you will see others encourage you to reinforce their beliefs in the spirit world.  As you are Christian, it may be helpful to keep in mind what your religious scriptures say about such things.   What may be of some help is to realize that your experience may well be real, but there are many knowledgeable people who suggest it is useful in the long run to get involved with communicating with any thing of this nature.  There is enough to deal with in this world without getting confused with one in which there is possibility of distractions.   Have no fear and enjoy your path.

  4. Why to loose your time if not sure with what spirits to connect.

    Quantum theory and its splendid possibilities are  new fashion in s.c. paranormal activities.Moreover there is science and of the best.

  5. I am curious about you are seeing and hearing. Do you see these things in your mind (like you said about hearing the answer in your head) or do you see them visually with your eyes like others would if we could see them? Do you hear things only in you your head or mostly with your ears (sounds appear to have an outside source)?

    You say you have had several experiences that make you believe in your ability with spirits but you didn't give any details (or one example of this). More information would be very helpful.

    The haunted houses situation again depends on many variables. Were possible sources of the hauntings found (previous owner murdered, sight of battlefield, etc.) or were they left unexplained? Were the effect physical (some that could have normal explanations like creaking floors)? Did physical effects take place around you (moving objects)? Because this could possibly be poltergeist activity and not hauntings and poltergeist are usually associated with a single individual. Again these several cases would have to looked at individually and then patterns between them looked for in order to see any possibility of a connection.

    Feelings of being watched are not unusual (I'm old enough to remember at least reruns of the original Psycho movie and I still find myself checking behind the shower curtain just in case). High electrical fields (like living under crossing power lines) can also give a person that feeling of being watched or another person being present. Always eliminate the normal reasons first whenever possible.

    I'm quite sure that your capable of making up a name you never heard of before. Someone has even invented a complex non existence language called Klingon.

    This does not mean that a spirit isn't present and you didn't actually get an answer. You might try testing it. Perhaps have a friend place a picture (or something) in the next room and then ask the spirit what the object is and see if you get it right. This could be a case of ESP instead of a spirit but you would confirm at least you are getting information from somewhere.

    Everyone is psychic, even skeptics when told the experiment score at statistical significant levels. It's just that skeptics score at below chance where believers score at better than chance. Now controlling this ability and using it in a reliable manner is something else all together.

    I have included a couple of links for you below.


  6. You believe angels and demons are battling for human souls.  You believe you have lived in haunted houses.  You believe you can have conversations with spirits.  You feel disembodied entities are observing you.

    Because there is no evidence of anything you mentioned above, all of these things can be attributed to your imagination.  Perhaps they are real.  But if they were, wouldn't they be real for everyone?  If they are real for everyone, why would they be so intertwined with *your* subjective cultural background, personal beliefs and experience?

    The only explanation I can think of that answers all questions is that you are creating all of these things in your own imagination.

  7. No, I think it's much more likely that your strong religious background is influencing you in a way most people aren't.  You may be overly paranoid on this account, since you've always been told that spirits, angels, and demons were there even if you couldn't see them.  You are probably letting your imagination run away with you a bit.  And if you really are hearing voices in your head, seriously here, you might want to talk to someone about that.  Hearing voices is one of the early signs of mental disorders like schizophrenia.  I'm not trying to insult you here, but if someone came on and said 'I need to pee a lot, I'm always tired and sick, and I can't feel my foot' I think it would be more useful for them to get a diabetes check than to call a priest to get rid of their demon.  Don't fool around with your health!

  8. Oh, ignore the naysayers. Good lord. I'd love to see someone around here actually express a differing opinion without having to resort to throwing insults. REAL mature.

    Oh, forgive me, TR did. Bless you TR.

    Sounds like you might be a medium. As far as being followed, sort of. Being able to sense spirits means that they're going to find you. You're a bit like a beacon in the dark to them.

  9. Well based on what you've said, I didn't find anything that wouldn't be just as easily explained with power of suggestion. You didn't give any details as to how you "see" or contact these beings, so there's not much there I can respond to. But it seems that mostly you "feel" these beings, and then you sense a message from them in your head when you talk to them. Both of these experiences can easily be self-deception. You obviously believe strongly in these things, but we can easily deceive ourselves into feeling spooked or feeling like we are not alone. Add to that a little imagination and pre-conceived notions, and it's not unlikely that you'll also convince yourself you're getting messages.

    No, you're not crazy or anything (you might have a cause for concern if you are actually hearing voices in your head, but I think you said you weren't), but you seem to be just a believer who really want these things to be real. I don't think you've given any evidence to suggest they are real, so my advice is to take a critical look at why you believe in these beings. Maybe you might realize that you are creating these beings with your own imagination.

  10. Some spirits are so loud you CAN'T ignore them. Was it like a STRONG thought? I don't mean ..just you thinking a strong thought..but more like a LOUD whisper..without the audible sounds? You have to be careful or you'll think any thought you have is a spirit. It will yell at you if you don't pay just kind of ignore it till it talks louder. Anyway , that's what happened to me. I believe about spirits..but I also know there are evil spirits. You have to learn how to discern them. I didn't and ended up in a lot of lead me into something really bad. I realize that if you're in church and it'll think it's the Holy Spirit. IDK...Sometimes you might be hearing someone else's thoughts. I used to wish I could sit alone in church so that wouldn't happen. But, I was there by myself one time & couldn't hear anything. You just have to test and test and test. I'm not sure about this being psychic thing. I think that spirits will MAKE some people hear them. And don't call it a "gift" can be like the horse in Troy! I call it an ability. Keep it to yourself...don't go around telling people you can't trust about it. I think I'd take baths with clothes on if I thought one was in the bathroom. You need to tell it to get out. Maybe someone else will have better answers. Go to Resolved Questions and learn what you can from questions& answers there.  Come back and ask some more questions. Welcome to the twightlight zone!! lol

  11. I would say you are more than psychic you are mediumistic because you are able to communicate with spirits and psychics basically read people's energy

    I agree with hislady I say mediumistic.  Check out a spiritualist church in your area if you have one.  Feel free to email me if you want  Take care  Oh and the reason it happens in the shower is because water is very cleansing to the aura and they are drawn to water.  If you are doing the dishes or having a shower.  Yeah hope that helps\

    I don't really understand why people that are against spirit information and such bother with this column if you aren't in agreement stick with your own group and praise the lord.  There is nothing demonic about the spirit world and it irritates me when narrow minded religious posters act so arrogant.  All I say is you will find answers at your local spiritual church.

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