
Psychically detecting other people?

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What is the term for the psychic ability to detect another person who is nearby?

I am not referring to telepathy, which means to communicate with another person, nor remote viewing, which means to see the other person remotely or see through their eyes.

I am referring to sensing another person's presence who is within a certain distance. This could be specific and based on recognition, like knowing that knock on the door is your mother. Or it can be going into the parking lot at night and knowing there is someone hiding nearby. Is there a concise term for this ability? I am constructing an experiment to test this that I have high hopes for, and I want to use the right words.




  1. You may be interested in reading "Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home" by Rupert Sheldrake (link below).

    You might also want to read some of the work by William Braud (link below).

    You have described two abilities in your question.

    The knock of your mother can be explained by pattern recognition of the hardness of the knock, the times knocked and other normal factors. This could be tested by having someone attempt to replicate her knock and see if you could still tell.

    Sensing someone in the parking lot could be by normal (even if unconscious) clues like noise, smell, etc.

    The better tests for this is inside a controlled lab where these cues are eliminated. However, I believe you are talking about Remote Detection which both Sheldrake and Braud have both published experiments so that could serve as a guide.

    Regarding the dog that same claim (responds to every car) was made against Sheldrake by Randi. Randi later apologized since he hadn't bothered to watch the taped experiments that eliminated that possibility. Of course every experiment has to be judged on it's own merits and failings.

    Good luck with your experiment.


  2. That's good that you are conducting an experiment- what are you going to do?


    A dog has a lot better sense of hearing and smell than humans, he probably can easily recognize the sound of your car 100+ yards away.

  3. Are you sure your dog doesnt perk up and run to the door everytime a car pulls up, not just yours? He has learned that when a car pulls up to the apartment that its sometimes you and he perks up. When he senses that someone is walking toward the door he runs to the door because he is sure its you (although he may be occasionally dissapointed if its a door to door salesman or a jehova witness)

    Are the people in your life really that random, that random people show up at your door unexpected on a regular basis? Think about it......

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