
Psychics/ intuitives.... serious question?

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This may just be me being paranoid, but here it goes:

Since early 2003, I have noticed that 9/10 times that I look at the clock, it reads 9:11 am or pm.

I'm not superstitious at all. Believe me, I've broken a couple mirrors, come acrss loads of black cats, and have walked under ladders.

So normally, I wouldn't have made this a big deal. But then I started writing down the number of times I had looked at the clock and had gotten 9:11.

Is this just me being insanely and idiotically paranoid or should I be wary of something?




  1. You only look at the clock twice a day?  I find that hard to believe.

    Edit: Oh, I think I understand what you're saying.  Nine out of ten times you look at the clock it says 9:11 am or 9:11 pm.  Unless your clock is broken and stuck on that time, clocks only read 9:11 at these two times.  For you to get the result that 9 out of ten times you look at the clock and it says 9:11, you must usually only look at it during these two times.  Are you saying that you look at the clock to see if it's time for lunch and it still says 9:11 in the middle of the day?  In that case, it's broken.

  2. New age stupidity will tell you it has some significant numerical meaning.  It's just a natural process, I used to wake up and look at the clock and it was 2:11am quite frequently.  It stopped after a while.

  3. Happens to me and my dad too. Strange. Cant help you though, just letting you know you're not alone.

  4. Its most likely the human psychology. Unless something significant happens when seeing the clock at 9:11 or some sort of an epiphany, then seeing it over and over is pretty useless making it of no significance.

  5. interesting

  6. There are several possibilities. It could be a psychological effect somehow connected to the World Trade Center attack (which was a psychological attack on the American people).

    If you are into Numerology, there are ideas about repeating numbers having different meanings. I've posted a couple of links for you.

  7. Don't worry, its nothing to be worried about.

  8. This is confirmation bias.  You take note of the times you've looked at a (digital) clock when it reads a value you've assigned special meaning to (i.e. 9:11, 11:11) while disregarding all the times it doesn't.

    It's also possible you have a lifestyle that places you near a (digital) clock at the same time every day.  In that case it wouldn't be unusual at all.

  9. No, it's just you having an obsession with time and you remember 9:11 because it has meaning for you. I'm sorry, this is explainable, there's nothing paranormal going on here. I don't mean to be discouraging.

  10. Stop being paranoid.

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