
Psychology: strange thinking?

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Ok, so first, I don't want to hear anyone saying I'm mad, crazy, geek, or whatsoever. Please. Thanks.

So, when I'm in my bed for instance, and I'm thinking of a spinning car. I can see it spin clockwise in my mind. But it's almost impossible to let it spin counterclockwise, or let it stop spinning. I have this with many many thoughts, like keys and locks, spinning objects, etc.

Does anyone know what's going on in my mind? If it's of any help, I'm 14, I'm a boy, and no I'm not smoking weed or any other drug. I mostly have this when I'm tired. I have had this for a long time already.




  1. I find it frustrating when I lose control of a conscious mental image - such as a rotating object which I can't stop spinning. Try opening your eyes for a moment and closing them while lying there and start afresh.

    If this occurs when you're tired then try catching up on some sleep!

  2. My guess is... Some part of your life is spinning out of control and the keys/locks which one will you chose. This dream is you are at a stand still in your life, try all keys and locks see where they lead which one that either stops the car or you feel that is the best choice for you and at the time maybe your dream will end.

  3. Each time I go downstairs for a little "snack", I see an old woman with gray hair sitting on the dinning table or by the fridge. And I'm not high, drunk, crazy, etc either.

    What I am however is, bored, a little tired, and seeking entertainment. I suggest you try letting the spin on the car counterclockwise when you are focused and energized. Same goes for halting the thoughts;  I rarely have old women in my kitchen before 2 in the morning :).

  4. strange, i remember something like that when i was about your age. i can't put my finger on it though.i remember it being accompanied by a certain "feeling" though. sometimes, later, i would have this reoccurring thought of like lifting out of my bed and flying out the window. also sometimes now when i'm laying it down i start thinking of (for some weird reason) lol!, a mortar tube that i'm's like i can feel the things taking off. almost like i can feel their acceleration. i don't know what it is.

  5. Happens to me like yawning or losing the game... I suddenly think of it doing that, it does it and DOES NOT STOP FOR ANYTHING *whimper*, my mind has done this for as long as I remember... btw, I lost the game

    ...(clockwise also)

    --Males rather than females have better ability to visualize objects (generally), if you where to think of a telescope you should be able to view it from any angle, I think it is just a habit that we have taught ourselves from watching the clock tick by in maths class...

    Also, there is not much known on the mind, even though there has been much research done on it, but I would say that it's just a 'mindbug'

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