
Pubic hair????????????

by  |  earlier

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hi i am at the first year of a teen and i have alot of pubic hair. is this normal? and when i lay on my stomach my b*****s hurt. is that normal too??




  1. Completely normal for both questions

  2. ye same with me.

    for both questions

  3. Yes its normal and your b*****s are probably sore because the hormones of being a teen. Sore b***s usually means they are growing or hormones make them sore before a period. I hated my pubic hair and I shaved it off. It keeps it looking and feeling cleaner down there. Of course I have passed puperty. I am now 24 and married and pregnant. You are not alone. You are just developing. Good luck  

  4. Yes, it's normal, don't fret, i'm fourteen.  Pubes should be growin out around 12 or 13, it's completely normal, as for your b***s, i can't help ya, sorry
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