
Public High School Tips?

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Okay, so for nine years I have went to a little private school and have went with the same people all my life. Well, now I'm going into high school and it's a public high school. I know no one, however, I'm sure that they are all going to know each other fairly well because majority has jumped from their middle school to their high school. It's a elementary, middle school, high school set. Not a elementary-middle school setup like I went to. So I'm very nervous, and the fact that I'm the biggest introvert you will ever meet doesn't help in my situation. Do you have any tips or ideas to help me make friends? Oh, and I know that not EVERYONE is going to know each other, but MAJORITY probably will. Also, have any tips on what I may need/how to stay organized? That'll defiantly help me too. ^^;

Please and Thank You!




  1. I'm sure you have good manners if you've gone to a private school, you probably have a pretty nice family! Be nice to everyone, don't act better than them. Introduce yourself, join a sport or club as soon as possible.  

  2. I was in your shoes.  I attended very small private schools from kindergarten til 9th grade.   Then my parents let me go to a public school.   I cried the night before I went to school because I was so nervous about what it would be like.   This was in LA... That was over 15 years ago.. and I have best friends today whom my husband and I still visit with.. from my public school years.

    So what can you do...

    Go you your school a month before school starts to ask about sports teams,clubs, auditions that might be going on before school starts.   Attend or go hang out at one of the practices and tell the coach/coordinator that you are new to the school and wanted to see what the program is about.   Most likely you'll see some teens there that you can strike up a casual conversation with.

    Pick out your clothes for the first week of school.  Be sure not to draw too much attention to yourself - but wear stylish but comfortable clothes.  The last thing you need is to feel self conscious about what you are wearing.

    On the first day, Don't go to school too early because you'll feel self conscious.   Go just in time to get to your first class - when you get to class look around for an open seat by someone approachable and strike up a conversation.   Ask about the class/teacher this for your first three classes.  Hopefully by then you'll find someone who you feel comfortable with - ask them if they don't mind you joining them for lunch.

    Smile and be friendly.  If you're lucky, you will probably have classes that will require you to form groups/teams or find a "partner".  This will help you break the ice with others.   Just remember, people like compliments if you are sincere.  So if someone says something witty or has something you think is nice - tell them so.   example: "Your bag is cool.." Just be sincere and you'll make friends in no time.

    Definitely volunteer or join a club/committee that has something you are interested in.  (Latin Club, TV/Video Production Team,Track Team.. etc)

    For organization, I recommend figuring out your class schedule first and determine how you will need to organize your notes.   I used to keep 2 notebooks.  One for the Monday, Wed, Fri classes and a separate one for the Tuesday/Thursday classes.   Learn how to take GOOD NOTES and don't rely on a recording device.   No one wants to listen to a lecture AGAIN to take notes.   Do homework every night so you don't fall behind and if homework gets too easy, challenge yourself with harder classes and take a proactive attempt to talk with your teachers.

    Good luck, wish you the best!   Just don't ever compromise your values for what you think others want you to become.  Be yourself and you will have plenty of friends.

  3. Hi. The best thing you can do is be yourself, and not try to be something you're not just to 'fit in'. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to new people. Maybe start with a small crowd, say, 2 or 3 people, and get to know them first. They will help you meet more friends. As far as what you need for school - if the school has the tall lockers, get a folding locker shelf (walmart, staples, etc.) That way you will have a shelf on top with a space on bottom. How about magnets for the inside to hold your favorite pix? Even a mirror with magnets, and even an organizer with magnets to hold things like pens, pencils, markers. Some kids even get small dry erase boards to write reminders on. Good luck at your new school!

  4. step out of your comfort zone and talk to people(:.

    like the teacher will probably be assigning seats at first so start talking to the people around you and introduce yourself. get to know a few people like that, maybe ask one of them if you can sit by them at lunch? then you can get to know them better and some of their friends(:.

    join a club or something too.

    dont worry, most people will understand and be super nice.

  5. Be friendly

    be yourself

    be talkative

    share your opinions

    don't be shy

    nothing to be nervous about it's just school

    i'm sure you'll be fine

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