
Public school Question?

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My daughter is in Grade K in a public school here in Kansas City. We had problems this year so she has to repeat grade K, but they told me that she cannot stay at that school because they have no bus to where i live. (she does not use the bus anyways) and that she should go to our neighborhood school which is only 2 blocks away from that school. I do not want her to go to a different school because it took so long to gewt her settled in and finally like it and it was so hard for all of us as a family. what can i do? do they have a right to send her somewhere else? shouldn't i be able t choose the school it being public or whatever? please help.




  1. My school when i went to it was very bad, it was open class room so most of the children in my neighbourhood went to other schools, and that was their parents decision so i think you should go to the school which you want your daughter to go to and explain to them she does not need to ride the bus so it shouldn't be a problem if a bus doesn't come to your neighbourhood

  2. In my county, you have to put in for an "out of district request" if you want to send your child to a school in another district.  Only some schools have openings for this, and there is no guarantee that they'll grant your request.  Unless there is something wrong with your neighborhood school, I'd make the switch.  You'll be done with the hassle, and she'll be going to school with the other kids in your neighborhood.  Since she's making a fresh start at K, all of her classmates will be too, and she'll probably adjust faster since she's been through it all before.

  3. It probably will depend on what school district you currently live in.  If the closer school is in your district but you want her to attend elsewhere, you will have to provide transportation and request that she be allowed to go to school there.  Unfortunately what the chld wants has little effect on where they go to school.

  4. If you are intent on sending her to the current school, you can always driver her yourself. With her being in kindergarten it should be easier to adjust to a new school anyway...hope this helps.

  5. As long as you can drive her there shouldn't be a problem.

    But if for some reason you can't, you had better move to that different school unless you want your daughter to have to drive herself. = )

    And if you do have to move schools then do it fast before she gets older and gets more friends to where it would be more sad for her.

  6. Doesn't your school district have a Choice program? Where you can apply to have your kid go to any school in your district but you have to provide the transportation. Call your local district office and find out.

  7. Sorry hun, I absolutely can't stand it when people start dictating what I can and can't do.....but I have to ask, is there a possibility that the other school might not be better...warmer, more welcoming....just asking.  Take her there one day to talk to the administration, and build it up to her (on the chance that they give you NO alternative).  

    Good Luck!

  8. no they don't have the right to send her to another school unless she did something extreamly bad t get kicked out of the school( which is highly unlikely if shes in kindergarden)you should tell them that she doesn't ride the bus back and forth and shes going to that school rather they like or not it

  9. Why did you send her to a school so far away for in the first place?

    She wont be with the same kids next yr anyway try the school that is closer to you, she may do better in it.

    Send her wherever you want I think I'd rather home school her.

  10. The way it works here is your child can go to any school in the district if you drive them there but if you want to send them to a school in a different district then you need to pay the taxes for whatever town the school is in. It sounds to me like both those schools are in the same district, if this is true then you shouldlegally be able to send to her to either school. If you chose the school that does not have a bus for your area then you would just drive her. I would contact the superindendant of schools and find out.

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