
Puffer fish/best mates

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I have a puffer fish and also i have a mollie and 2 neon fish and a few others but they got ate. Well I'm wondering when i got the puffer they said that the mollie was a good mate for the puffer and since i thought they were right i got the mollie....well about 2-3 weeks later the puffer has been attacking the mollie :( and i have no clue what to do or what would be good to have in the tank with the puffer? I was thinking of letting him i guess kill off the fish, because that seems to be what is happening (killed the sucker fish and a betta fish) and just get aggressive fish...but them I'm afraid the other fish might kill the puffer...ahh i dont know what to do. Anyone know?




  1. shrimps and otos since the puffers are fin nippers and can kill any fish twice their size.

  2. Puffers are generally best kept by themselves.. you have found the reason for that,


  3. it depends on what kind of puffer and what size tank you have...ive succesfully kept figure 8 puffers with eels, knife fish, mollies, goby's, and plecos without any deaths (except for when the eel found his way into the wasnt pretty). if its a spotted puffer good luck cus they can b pretty brutal on tankmates but the best bet ive learned for a puffer is the figure 8
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