
Pulling Big Prank need help?

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Ok so we are playing our rival high school in the biggest game of the year, and we were going to pull a prank. Behind thier field their is a big hill with all dead grass. It over looks the whole field. We were gonna paint it with our schools initals. ANyone got ideas how to do this, realitvly inexpensive




  1. don't use spray paint.... go to Lowe's and get marking paint.... it's what they use to mark out lines for new garden beds or sidewalks, etc.... it's harmless to the grass and goes away after the grass is longer and mowed.... but it will be there till it IS mowed or grown out.... to save on the money, only outline the letters.... don't paint them in solid.... it will be just as effective!!....

    ps.... don't get any ON YA!!!... they'll know who did it!!... *smile*.........

  2. String n Spray!

    Have two buds hold the string to give you a strait line and then shoot it with some spray paint. Florescent stuff works best!

  3. Spray paint may be the easiest and most affordable option.

    However, consider how the other school's administration may see it as vandalism/trespassing.

    Dont be surprised if you get in trouble for it.

    One, the actual paint itself could be considered vandalism. Two, in this crazy society, they may try to go for some sort of suit to have you, your friends, and/or your families pay to have that hill revitalized, stating that YOU killed the grass :D

    Think about it before you do it. Good luck either way.

  4. i'd say just use spray paint it would be easiest

  5. spray

  6. i think u would get caught before u could finish it

  7. Hmmm....If you had more time, I'd say fertilize what you want to say within the dead grass with a miracle grow spray...keep your initials growing there for a long time-that way, it's only trespassing and not vandalizing. lol. I know there's a dye you can get that farmers use when spraying their crops in the fields to see where they may have missed. I'm really not sure what its called, but you could mix it with water...and it would still be safe for the environment. Check with any store with a garden center...spray paint might get you in more trouble than what it's worth. Another idea, but kind of cheesy is to take the rolls of crepe paper (used in many childs b-day parties) with your school colors, drape it all along the hill, and get it wet to keep it from blowing away. This would work good if the dead grass is fairly short. Even water filled balloons maybe....holy cow- I quit, I could go on all Good Luck, and stay out of trouble.

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