
Punishment during practice?

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Does your coach punish you for your mistakes like a dropped ball? Will you have to do push ups or sit ups or what else?

Will the whole team face punishment for the mistake of a single player or will only the player be punished who made the mistake?

And what do you think about such methods?

And hows your Coach?Is he/she a co-operative one and you have lots of fun or is he/she often yelling at you?




  1. When I was a player, I hated doing conditioning for mistakes. Now that I am a coach, I see the importance a little more. It's funny how these things work...

  2. ya for one  game we ha to run a killer or a suicide for every tip we let drop. we ran 6 it sucked but was worth it the next game we only got burnt twice on tips. Soemtimes the single player does get punished like if you miss a serve in practice you do 20 pushups. BUT IT CAN ONLY MAKE YOU A BETTER PLAYER!

  3. Well... The punishments aren't THAT harsh. The thing is, when coaches punish an individual, its usually a mistake that they made where no one could help them. Lets say that you've been playing for half a season, and you still can't serve a ball overhand, than push-ups/sprints/suicides, may be a possibility. Also, volleyball is all about TEAMWORK so if one person makes a mistake when someone else on your team could have helped it, like maybe you don't call the ball when the ball is near you, and you don't react, your other teamates should call it and go for it. Other times they just punish you because your whole team is doing bad. Good luck :]

  4. It's not punishment, it's called conditioning.

    If you are talking during demonstrations and your coach making you run because of it, then that is punishment and rightfully so. I hate when I'm trying to explain something to players and I have one or two of them talking. This hurts the ones talking and also those that can't hear me because the talkers are too loud.

    Conditioning when errors occur, for instance when an ace falls between two players that do not say a word to each other. What this tells coaches is that players are reluctant to move their feet and they do not communicate. This laziness is a big problem and will cost the team matches. Therefore the coaches make them run. This is a two sided technique because while running, you are increasing your stamina and quickness. This will only help your team during long tournaments and marathon matches and rallies.

    Understanding why coaches make you run is something you will not understand until you coach. Good coaches find ways to condition as well as teach. While I agree that conditioning alone is not the answer, a good 20 pushups for a player that doesn't hustle to a ball and thinks playing defense is holding an arm out is very well deserved, especially if you just explained how to get in position so that you do not have to reach with an arm.

  5. simple if the team is doing something and u mess up the key word is TEAM and everyone should pay for it plus its a little more motivating doing push up and other things while other people are doing it as well instead of by yourself

  6. if it's a dropped ball, all the coaches in my school(var/jv/fs) will order you to dive.

  7. This is a touchy subject.  Many players view drills as punishment.  A dropped ball you say?  Ok, why didn't anyone hit the floor for the ball?  It's everyones responsibilty to call it. There is no reason for a dropped ball.  That is a lack of focusing and communication.  Yes, the whole team should be punished.  Hit the FLOOR!  If no one goes for the ball for the sake of the point, then maybe they will do it for the sake of not running.  If a team member is talking during practice, then they must feel they have more important things to discuss than the game.  That is called an attitude.  Every sport must have discipline.  Cause and effect.  If you were to do that in a game, how silly are you going to look.

       I do have a different opinion on punishing for mistakes however.  If a player hits a ball in the net or shanks a pass and it's a legit mistake, then do not punish.  

    Players can not be afraid to make a mistake!  That would result in a full game of free balls.


    If a player is in constant fear of making a mistake, they will never PUSH themselves beyond what is comfortable.  Encourage new moves.  If it doesn't work, look at it, tweak it, and try it again.  After all, that is what practice is for.  If one of my players miss a serve I have them verbal tell the team, I'll make it up.  This not only allows the player to shake off the mistake, but they now have more drive to make up for the lost point.

    A final note.  You notice that these "punishments" are always in the form of training.  You are not being spanked, put in a corner, grounded, or whipped.  You are doing drills that are only going to make you better.  Suicides work for building speed and agility to stop and go.  Push ups are building your arms up.  Sit ups are going to build up your core.  Running laps are going to improve your endurance.  You must look at your "punishment" and redifine it.  It is not Hurting you.  It is helping you.  Good luck and never be afraid to make a mistake.  Every point is going to be a mistake on one of the teams.  Just try to make the other team make them.  That's playing smart.  :-)

  8. only if we do something stupid like fooling around.  Otherwise, no.  But our whole team gets punished for one person's mistake.  coach says it's a team sport.

  9. I was the captain of my volleyball team and when I made a mistake my coach would get in my face and yell at me untill his face turned red then he would make me run 3 laps around our soccer feild which was right by our v-ball court.

    My coach he is VERY strict and no we dont have fun at volleyball practice or at games with him and yes he often yelling at us.

       But its funny when he yells =)

  10. Ya.... my coach does punish us for a dropped ball... she either make us dive, do sprints, planks, situps, or pushups... And yeah.. the whole team does face punishment because of one... because the team should be encouraging the other teamates to not do the mistake.. I think that its great that you get punished cuz ive seen that since shes been punishing us, we've gotten better with setting cuz of pushups and planks making ur arms stronger..and quicker cuz of sprints. My coach does yell a lot... like A LOT... but wen were doing great she doesnt yelll... and wen we get punished for maing a mistake we dont do it again... so if we dont do it again she wont yell...

  11. If you don't like the idea of having to face up to your mistakes, maybe sports isn't your cup of tea.  

        First, it's not punishment, it's a consequence which can be good or bad.  If you make a mistake (which you will) or if you score a point (which you will),  you will recieve a consequence.  This can be something bad like wall sits or something good like a water break.  As for having to do push ups and sit ups, they're good for you're core and help you become a better volleyball player.

         Most coaches use individual and team consequences.  If a player is the one costing the team, they will most likely have to do a consequence, but if it's the whole team, they do it together as a team.  Individual consequences are not always seen as "fair" but guess're a team.  You mess up, the whole team messes up.

         If you want to have a happy go lucky, lets s***w around and have fun coach, I'd suggest looking into Rec leagues and staying away from school sports.

  12. 1)The coaches that don't know sh*t about coaching punishes players.(Good coaches encourage and teach.)

    2)The bad coach that I had made us do 20 or more push-ups and sit-ups when a mistake was made.WHAT A DOUCHE!

    3)Sometimes the bad coach punished everyone, say like if you ask to get a drink.

    4)Punishments like this will not benefit the team in any way. Why not just encourage and teach them how to not make the same mistake.

    5)My coaches are good, except for that F4GG07  one >:P

  13. As a coach, I only use punishment or conditioning if the team is having too much fun in practice instead of concentrating on the drills.  The last time I used the punishment was when we had a serving drill.  They were clowning around and throwing volleyballs at each other.  I suggested that they stop.  They did stop for about 15 seconds and started clowning around again.  I had them run laps until I calmed down in order that I did not say something I would regret.  The reason I was upset was the fact that we lost a 3 out of 5 match in 3 the day before by a total of 6 points.  And we missed 30 serves.  The other team won each set by 2 points and we GAVE them 10 in each set.  I do not want the team serving lollipops just to get the serves in either.  I do not have a problem with a missed serve if there are aces to go with them.  The number of missed serves should not be more than the number of aces.  We had 30 missed serves and 4 aces in that match.  

    I never use punishment or conditioning drill for physical or mental mistakes.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Adding punishment does not help teach the correct method.

  14. My coach is very fun but is also very strict all coaches want to encourage you by giving you a set punishment. If you don't want to do the punishment don't make a mistake. Each time we make a simple mistake that could have been avoided we get a certain amount of sit-ups and push-ups (for the whole team) we have done suicides, slides, tuck jumps, mountain climbers. if it was a mistake that probably wouldn't happen again she would be less severe. She made the WHOLE team do punishments as volleyball is a team sport.

    It's okay because having a punishment or something of the sort makes you try harder (at least for my team) My coach isn't the type to yell unless we played really badly then I don't blame her. She gets really into coaching and is probably one of the best I ever had. Every coach gives out punishments if not then you need a better coach.

  15. Yes, my coach punishes our team for mistakes. We often have to run lines, but sometimes it's push ups or sit ups. The whole team has to do it. I don't really think it works in the big picture, but some players get more motivated. My coach is ok. She often yells, but I think it is because she knows we can play better than we are at the time.

  16. we do push ups if the ball rack goes empty believe me it helps because it never happens again

  17. Different Coaches use different methods. In my opinion, no coach should physically punish their players unless the mistake has just gotten old. Running a few laps around the gym is what my coach would do. But just remember that the only way to learn, is through mistakes.

  18. My coach used to make us do push ups if we didn't call the ball.

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