
Punishments for My Kid?

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Ive got a 13 year old daughter.

Who IS doing What she likes.

Shes been Smoking.

Dealing Weed and her atitude is terrible to everyone.

What Sort Of punishments shall i give her?

My friend said to whip her but im not saw :s




  1. bash her face in with a saudering iron

  2. ground her maybe for even a year.

    if you can try doing these:

    bring her to school

    pick her up from school

    NO electronics

    all homework must be done before dinner

    you really have to make her life miserable, she will realize that she shouldnt do that anymore because if she does she will have to go through torture again.

    another suggestion would be kicking her out of the house. tell her that you hate her behavior and the lifestyle she is setting for herself.

    annother suggestion would be send her to juvie jail for a week or a month and tell her that if she keeps doing what shes doing this would be her life-jail forever.

  3. Hi what sort of people is she hanging out with ?its most likely peer pressure , ground her and help her make new friends , spend time with her and get to know her friends that shes with now , some will be bad others hopefully will be nice .x

  4. Talk to her 1st ..

    Whats making her act this way ..?.

    Is she unhappy at school..maybe bullying thats having an impact on her behaviour..

    Say you don`t like her behaviour .. NOT u don`t like her ..

    Remove privilidges eg. mobile phone, Computer, take away her pocket -money (allowance) .. let her EARN them back ..

    Give her more responsibility .. can she be the one to walk the dog ?, maybe let her cook dinner one night .. my son is 14 ..a horrible time in their life .. very hormonal too .., he loves to cook ....Praise quickly when she does something nice ...

    When you gives you more respect .. give her a privilidge back ...

    Do you smoke ?

    If you do .. you are your daughter`s role model ..try to quit together .. join a group or go to the clinic together ...good luck ..

  5. Discipline starts at a young age. You can't just decide  to discipline and expect for it to work when the child is almost as big as you are. If you were disciplining her at a earlier age she wouldn't be disrespecting herself or you. She is at the age where you need to snatch her up. She is smelling herself and she thinks she is grown. You need to stop her before she gets worst.

  6. Obviously don't hit her. I mean, unless you want to spend some time in prison. Use reverse phsyscology. My mom did that to me last tyear when she saw me drinking, and then after she knew it worked she groudned me for the like the entire summer. Which sucked, but I'll live.

  7. tough love. most local police agency's have a program to help "scare" kids straight. Or you can call a TV talk show like Steve wilkos or montel or Dr. Phil. try a big sister's big brother's mentoring club. take her to a local juvie center, most have programs like the police. take her to counseling.

  8. I think you ARE a 13 year old kid looking for a rise out of others.

    If you are serious, call the police and have her put in cuffs.  Sometimes scaring them straight works wonders even if she doesn't go to jail.  Smoking and dealing illegal drugs is wrong and you know that.  Her terrible attitude could be due to never being disciplined or having a structured life.

  9. Take her phone, don't let her go out, don't let her use the computer.  If she's selling drugs this has to be done before she ends up shot.

  10. Whipping isn't always the solution. Take the phone Internet and TV away. Keep her at the house. clean her room or better yet take her to court. If none of that straightens her out whip her butt!

  11. Call the police on her, shes a criminal maybe a juvenile detention home would do her some good. Or let her continue to get high and do who knows what..if shes only 13 then what is she going to do by the time shes 18?

  12. im 17 old, Im studing becouse next year i have to pass exams to get at university, I have lots of friends and we enjoy parties..but not often..i wrote this becouse i wanted to say: I dont have a time to do other things like dealing weeds or hanging with  boys all night...and I didnt have it when I was 13 too..

    The main question is: why she behaves so? maybe there is something what makes her do things like you're saying..

    My advice is: talk to her frindly try to undrestand evertything, but if it doesnt work, U must forbid her some things..and U must be stict... :)

  13. Gound her. Keep her in the house and supervised at all times.

    Only able to have friends over in the living room where you can watch them.

    You have every right to invade her privacy and keep her in the house... so exercise that right.

  14. If she's been doing all that then you've obviously gone wrong somewhere down the line. She's only thirteen and probably acting out for attention. Talk to her, ask her why she has been smoking and using weed. There can be reasons which you don't know about and this could be why her attitude is bad. Talk to her about why drugs are bad, how much trouble she could get in if she is caught and why she shouldn't be doing it. The same with cigarettes, and you need to find out where she's been getting the weed and cigarettes.

    Let her know that you won't tolerate her bad behaviour and this is where it ends. Be firm with her, but don't be too harsh. The chances are that she's feeling left out and just crying out for attention, maybe there's something bothering her. Let her know that you're always there for her and that she can tell you anything, but that she has to stop doing what she is.

    She must have had some money to get hold of this weed and the cigarettes, so limit the money you give to her. I think it would be a good idea for you to monitor what she is spending it on, so tell her that she has to bring back receipts of everything she has bought. If it doesn't add up to how much you gave her, just stop giving her money all together. Taking away privileges can work really well in these situations, ground her or take away items such as the computer when she misbehaves or gives bad attitude.

    You have to let her know that it can't carry on, and why what she's doing isn't right. You haven't done well to let it get this far and the fact that you don't even know what to do doesn't look too good.

  15. If you know that she is selling weed I would call the police on her maybe juvie is what she needs to streighten up, You could also trying scaring her "kick her out" make her back her things (only things that have been given to her not by you or that she has bought herself) tell her you will drop her where she is going to be staying, I would take her to a homeless shelter, not a friends house, and when you get there have a nice long talk on if things don't change this is where she is going to end up, and you love her to much to let that happen, and I would stick on her like glue for a few weeks, or as long as it took. Don't let her go any where with out you, drop her off and pick her up from school if she still ditches sit in class with her, if you have to go to work take her with you if that is not an option get a baby sitter, a very strict mean babysitter. Don't give her the chance to do these things.

  16. if you ground her she will be forced to rebal and if you take away her cigartes she will get really mad at you. take time to privitly talk to her and if you get the erge to yell dont. jsu talk to her and idk try not to get so mad if her attidtude is bad towards everyone its probably cause theres people being that way toward her  she doesnt need some one else being like that.

  17. are you a troll?

    its likely to be your fault.

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