
Puppy creaks when she walks?

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ive just noticed that when my puppy walks, she makes a creaking noise. she walks normally, and she still plays with me and her mam. she jumps about. what could it be




  1. Don't worry this isn't anything to worry about. She's probably just getting a very small case of arthiritus. As she is a puppy it's probably just a temporary thing. Wait a week or so and if she still is like it, i wouldn't worry. As long as she's not in any pain and is still eating, she will be fine.

  2. Sounds like a luxating patella to me. You will have to bring the puppy to the vet to see what grade of luxation it is to determine whether or not surgery is the route to take for treatment.

    Now I just read your further information, and think it could also be hip dysplacia. Golden's are notorious for hip issues. Either way, a vet visit is in order.

    And the person who said it's nothing to worry about its probably just a mild case of arthritis...get your head out of the sand. even if it was arthritis (which is ridiculous to assume that in a 10 month old puppy) you shouldn't just ignore that anyway!

    Please bring your puppy to the vet.

  3. Has she seen a vet yet?  For first shots or anything?  Where did you get her, if you get her from a petstore, or bad breeder, theres a chance there is something wrong with her.

    I'm wondering if this is the start of hip dysplasia which can be common is some breeds of dog.  A vet will be able to take xrays of her hips, and tell you.  

  4. Look up "Hip dysplasia".I believe retrievers get it as well as German shepherds and labs.

  5. if you are really concerned call an make an appointment with a vet. it could be something in her joints that makign the sound

  6. what breed is she?  

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