
Puppy swallowed plastic wrapper?

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My 2 month old Golden Retriever puppy swallowed a thin plastic salami wrapper 4 days ago. It came out in his poo today and since then he's had diarrhea and been sick 4 times in the space of 5 hours. Could he be seriously ill? Should we call the emergency vets? Help please!!




  1. well, my dog has swallowed a but wipe, polly pocket clothes, dryer sheets, SOS pads, and about a hundred other things and is fine,  but to be on the safe side, call a vet if your worried.

  2. The plastic could have cut something inside him, you need to get him to the vet now for x-rays. Hope he's ok.

  3. Yeah take him to the vet, these wrapper can wrap around their intestine though it sounds like it passed but just to be safe.  No dog biscuit for you - puppies and kittens are just like babies you need to watch them everything goes in the mouth.  Our kitten ate the wrapping off the gift tree once and it costs us 3,000 US dollars Arrrrrrrrgh!

  4. DUH! Yes, and you should have called when he first swallowed it!

  5. you should take him to the emergency room NOW it could of hurt the inside of him!

  6. Yes you should take him to the local vet. It's really unsafe for hm to swallow it, and you're lucky he didn't choke on it. I would defiantly take him to the vets as soon as possible.

  7. His intestinal track is probably exacerbated. It shouldn't be acute, but you should go to vet. Do not give him any food.

  8. Umm I dont think that its sick because of the rapper ...  

  9. it might be serious and it might not. the only way to be sure is to call a vet. i would because you just want to be safe. it would be terrible if something happened to your pup.

  10. Go to the vets as soon as you can. it happened to us and the sick and poo is nothing to get worried about, it is just a reaction from the puppies natural organs to get it o0ut of it's system. I'm a vet and suggest to go to call the emergency vets just incase..

  11. well how did it get down in the stomach any ways???

  12. i would absolutely call the vet, it could have damaged his intestines or even ripped his stomach lining. stop feeding him and let him drink, but call the vet!!

  13. as frenchie waffles said there may be an internal bleeding so go as soon as possible

  14. he will be iight

  15. yes !!!!

    go to the vet NOW !!!

    the wrapper may have cause internal bleeding if it wrapped around the intestines !!!

  16. No my puppy did that, (not with that) but it made him sick, if he stays sick after the next day consult your vet. But he should definitley be fine, hes just throwing up everything now and getting it all out of his tummy. I was scared too! But he was fine the next day. He might continue to have diarrhea for some bit. I gave him a little bit of milk to help with his tummy i heard it works! It look like it did! And it definitley can't hurt.

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