
Putin ... Hitler.... Whats the difference?

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Okay, so Putin was the Russian President... somehow, he managed to install himself as 'Prime Minister' before his term was over. How he did it is for a different discussion.

Since then, Putin appears to be the one with the real power in Russia, and they are becoming increasingly arrogant and belligerent in the international community.

Now, there is this whole thing with Georgia and a territorial dispute. Subsequently, they have appeared to invade Georgia and say it is justified.

Am I the only one who thinks Putin may be a modern Hitler in sheep's clothing?




  1. Sadly, no.

    But Putin is simply a leader who wants to protect Russian interests. He has no racial agendas. He has no expansionist agendas.

    This conflict with Georgia was about protecting Ossetia and the Russian citizens who live there.

    If anyone was like Hitler lately, it would be Saakashvili. He was deliberately targeting South Ossetian civilians.

    The reason for Russian belligerence  lately is a feeling of inferiority. Russia wants to demonstrate that she is still powerful. That is why she so strongly protects her spheres of influence. This is all a campaign of maintenance, not expansion.

  2. Putin is a president but Hitler was a dictator.

  3. Well Hitler is dead, Putin isn't.  It was Georgia that started the war with Ossetia and they should have known Russia would retaliate. The US and Georgia is now upset that the battle has been taken inside Georgia.  You don't start a war with a super power country.

  4. Putin = Hitler ? You haven't got a clue have you?, if you had said Bush = Hitler I may have agreed, I just wish you people would get your facts right and stop listening to the 'controlled' media, Russia was attacked their piece - keepers were shot, America and Britain bombed Iraq for nothing killing thousands of civilians, but there again the US were the only country in the world to drop an atomic bomb on a city, not once but twice, and they can sleep at night.

  5. I agree he has little man thing going on just like Hitler

  6. "he has no expansionist agenda" WTF

    Yes he does, thats why he desperately wants georgia not to get Nato membership.

    The similarities are quite remarkable.

  7. Hitler would never wear sheep's clothing.

  8. The difference is - Hitler had hair.

  9. have you forgotton Bush

  10. I would tend to agree with you....

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