
Q for Pagans/Witches/Wicca ?

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I'm not good at writing magick spells , it's not that I don't know about spells , but English isn't my first language that's all but I want to write them in English , any tips ?




  1. First make an outline of what you want to do.

    Next, write some words that you think are good.

    Take some time (a few days) to think about it

    and begin to change the words to make them

    sound better and flow more gracefully and

    poetically. Good rituals should sound good.

    If you have a friend you trust, you might ask

    them to look it over and check your grammer.

    Don't expect it to be done in one day. Take

    your time and keep improving it until you think

    it's really perfect. That usually takes a week

    or two.

    Best wishes,


  2. The obvious answer is don't write them in English.  Write them in the language you know.  The backup answer would be to practice your English.  Outside of those two options, I'm not sure what you're even expecting here.

  3. How come you want to write them in English? What's wrong with your language?

    Your native tongue will be more powerful.

    Here is a site that has some spells on it...just go to the 'spells and rituals section":

    I do my spells mostly in silence and they are very simplistic, I just write my purpose on my candle, along with some symbols...sometimes I use my oracle cards too, so I can't really help you personally, if you're looking for something more elaborate.

  4. Why don't you write them in your own language than post them in this site?  Do them one at a time and I am certain that there is someone here who will translate them in English for you.

  5. Write them in your first language.Doesn't matter what language you use, the words are just a vocalization of your intent.Or you could take an English class, but if it is just for writing spells then don't bother.English is one of the most difficult languages to learn in the world,and it is even harder for  adults

  6. Just write it in your original language and then translate them.

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