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does it drive you crazy when people who don't have an understanding of ocd try to describe it to other people by saying "it's when you wash your hands a hundred times a day"?

i have ocd and i don't have the hand washing problem. and it makes me mad when people say i must not have ocd because i don't wash my hands enough.




  1. i do not have a hand washing problem, but just like the first answer i have to walk a certain way on tiled floors, and when i write letters or notes in school etc. if the handwriting isn't perfect, no matter how much i already wrote and even if i can erase it: i won't: i will start all over irritates my parents, so that's

  2. I'm a classic OCD sufferer but mostly have obsessions, the way you do. First, stop trying to discuss this with people who don't understand what you're going through. Next, try hooking up with OCD professionals who can help. Now days with the proper meds and some new behaviorial therapy that's been developed over the past 20 years, OCD can be controlled to a great degree. I know because I've gone through it.

    At the below site you can obtain an excellent workbook that can get you started on working with OCD on your own, and also how to get in touch with people who can help.

  3. Unfortunately this is a problem with any issue that is not understood.  There are a lot of mental and physical issues that are not well understood by the general public.  Those who don't have knowledge or understanding of the issue have a hard time comprehending how this is a problem, especially if the more common or expected symptoms are not obvious or there.   If someone is not directly affected by the issue then they are less likely to educate themselves about hte issue so they walk around with false assumptions and cheesy tv movie expectations regarding the issue.

    Unfortunately, even family members, those you would expect to educate themselves or support you in these types of issues often wind up being your biggest stumbling block.

    My daughter has some pretty serious food allergies and intolerances.  Because she does not have anaphalactic issues and does not break out in rashes, I have family members telling me and her that it is all in her head and she is not allergic to anything (even though many other issues have beend healed and cleared up since taking her off of the offending foods)

    My husband has OCD .

    I have found that the best thing I can do is to make good information available to those that don't understand it.  When amongst family and friends, be firm about what you need to do to deal with it and do not allow yourself to get caught up in arguments or feel you have to defend yourself regarding what you need to do to keep yourself healthy

    (I have people who would purposely offer offending foods to my daughter just to 'test' or 'prove' that it is all in her head)

    For those that still will not be teachable,  let them deal with their own ignorance -  don't get offended or argue with them.  You cannot make anyone believe or accept anything,  some people just thrive on being naysayers and choose to walk in ignorance-  do not allow their issue to become yours.

    As long as you are honest and have done your best to provide good information, be discerning about who you spend your time with - limit your time or even be bold enough to cut off those that would choose ignorance and be a deliberate stumbling block to your health and well being.  

  4. I do not have OCD, but it drives me insane when people in general assume they are qualified to diagnosis others and attempt to pigeon hole people. Not every person with depression has it manifest the same way, same with ocd, ptsd, etc. It is no different than the common cold virus affecting people differently.

  5. I have incredibly mild OCD concerning dirtying my hands and eating.  I was carrying around wipes before I ever watched Monk and fell in love with the show right away lol

    I wear a big f***y pack that I keep my Bible in and a container of wipes (as well as personal items etc).  What drives me craziest is when people pick on me about carrying the wipes around until they need one.  *rolls eyes*

    Most people can't truly understand, though, without personal experience, so I try not to let it get to me.

  6. Well I have, more or less, pure O, where I only really have the obsessions, not the compulsions.  I DO have compulsions (fear of bugs/toes, I walk a certain way on tiled floors)  But I usually try to debate the obsessions instead of push them out (which is futile, I know, but I love to debate)

    I don't think even the people who have, say, seen 'Monk' have a true understanding of the disease...

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