
QUESTION!!! Please Help!!??

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With a week left of school of my sophomore year, is it possible to create a club next year?? I already have an idea of what it is about (helping homeless animals, raising money for shelters, and volunteering). Being pressed for time, should I just go Monday to my GLC and propose it? Should I wait until the beginning of next year? How do I start a club? HELP!




  1. go to a kennell and ask them im sure they will take all the help they can get.

  2. I would wait until the new school year starts, often people move, or change jobs during the summer.

    I would speak to the animal shelters over he summer, to find out exactly what areas they need the most help in.

    Then outline your proposal, to present to your new class in the fall, asking for sign- ups, I would run the idea by the Student Counsel or my Counselor so that your group is recognized and has school approval....good luck to you and super idea.

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