
QUESTION for "Psychics"???

by  |  earlier

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I used to believe in the supernatural, but now I've completely changed, and I don't even believe in my own religion anymore.

so if you have psychic abilities like you say.. tell me something about my life that you could have never known if you were not psychics... I'll give you some basic facts I was born 8/31/92, and I live in Minnesota




  1. hmmz lets see...

    your female.

    ur have 2 brothers one sister.

    you enjoy music, but at the end of the day your passion is ur art which you hope to got to college for but the opions of others stop you from sharing you true passion so you end up studing something to do with the mind and body...

  2. Is your name Stan?

  3. You have skid marks in your undies today.

  4. You may lack a tad bit of compassion since you didn't realize how suicidal and humiliated I am because of the way I look; also, success tends to fall towards the better looking: hence, I am terribly depressed.

    Nonetheless, 'psychics' are useful for those with limited analytical skills: they do no realize that the whole deal is a scam. But it can be fun, if the reading is taken with a vat of salt.

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