
QUESTIONS! Need anwers quickly!?

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Random Q's. You don't have to answer them all, I just need accurate answers.

1)Where's the best place to live in Michigan? Near Detroit would be better, my family is looking for a cute village idea. And is Gross Ile a good place to live? What's the community like? Can you swim in the lake? Are there any horse farms there?

2) I'm thinking of becoming a teacher. I'm a Taurus and I went to a reader and they said I would be a teacher, so did this book I got from the library. What's the best grade to teach? I was thinkin Kindergartan?

3) What are really good books for people between the age of 12-14? My mom wants me reading ALL Summer so I need good books. I like some serious books, I always seem to never put the book down. If you could also say what the book is about.

4) Also my 12 year old cousin (she uses my Yahoo sometimes) wants to babysit, need tips/advice to start and how much to charge, what hours to work etc.





  1. 1) where you are comfortable living.  And not living beyond your means.  If you decide to swim in the lake be aware of lake-itch and pollution levels.

    2) You should NEVER make decisions based on astrological signs or readings.  If you are happy with the though of being a teacher, thats great!  Later in life when you are mostly finished with schooling you with have a much better idea on what grade you would feel comfortable teaching.

    3) go to AMAZON.COM and start looking for books that intrest you.  They are decently priced there.  If you only use the site as a medium that is better.  Find what you want, then go purchase the desired book from a store.

    4) Depends what the job requires.  I live in California and I think a per-person rate would apply.  For instance $10 per hour plus $2 more per hour per extra person she had to babysit.  So if she babysat 3 kids for 2 hours that would come out to $28.

  2. a house

    1st grade

    us weekly

    8 am to 4pm

  3. 2) I'm telling you to NOT become a Kindergarden or Primary School teacher, it is h**l to work with very young children no matter how much you sympathize them. You should try to see what subject you are best at in school and become a high school teacher , teaching the category you are good at ( history, maths, english, etc.) . TRUST ME!

    3) I'd strongly recommend you to read "The Catcher in The Rye" by J.D. Salinger - it's about a 16 year old boy named Holden Caulfield that gets expeled from his school and adeventures in the crazy life of New York just before he has to get to his parents and get scolded on Christmas time. The theme sounds boring, but I'm telling you, it's worth reading it, the way the author subjectively narates and all.

    Another book would be " And then there were none" also called "Ten little Indians" by Agatha Christie, detective novel, very worth reading it.

  4. # 3) The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer is great for that age group

    # 4) She should start with kids in her neighborhood, and make flyers for mailboxes. I always used to leave the charge up to the parents, because it varies with the family, the age and number of kids, etc.

  5. Ummm for the books.  

    Anything Gary Paulson.  The Hatchet, The River, and Brians Winter are all of the same "trilogy".  Its about a boys plane crashes in the canadian wilderness and lives of the land.

  6. To question 3:

    I really enjoyed books from the Redwall series (written by Brian Jaques) when I was 12 and 13. They aren't extremely serious, though; they're more diverse, with humour, action, and some other stuff. They're about a world of, well, animals. But it's better than it sounds. It's very witty, and (at least to me) were some very good can't-put-them-down sort of books.

    If you're a very good reader and up for something a bit more serious/challenging, you could read some of the classics, like Great Expectations, by Dickens; Crime and Punishment, by Dostoevsky; and Phantom of the Opera is another good one (yes there is a book; I can't remember the author though).

    Hope this was helpful!

  7. Yeah like Christina said 1st grade. They are still young enough to listen but over the whole first year of tantrums from being seperated from their parents. :)

  8. 3. read :

    Bread Givers

    By Anzia Yezierska

  9. i cannot answer the first question for i live in Canada but i would say third or fourth grade. Darren Shan books are actually really good, i hate reading and i had to read it for class it was actually good so i would recommend that, his books are about vampires btw. I think your cousin should get 4$ if the kid will be in bed and 5.50$ if its during the day and just work when she is needed.

  10. I'm going to answer Q3.

    I think if you havent already borrow harry potter books from the local library, ive read the 1st 3 and now im onto Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire i cant put it down (apart from when im on the computer) and im only on chapter 4. Theyll keep you busy.Hope i helped

    ukhotty08 x

  11. 1. Grosse Point. Very preppy town. soo cute. has a nice yacht club.

    2. Best grades- middle school kingeragrten too annoying.

    3. The Secret Life of Bees; The Clique Books; To kill a mocking bird

    4. Put up posters and charge more than five an hour.

    :] good luck

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