
Qualifying for Medicaid...?

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My mom is trying to get Medicaid for my 8 year-old sister. My parents are going through a divorce and my mom has main custody, my dad only sees my sister every other weekend. So after the divorce is final (my mom will still have main custody) would Medicaid take into account both of their incomes or just my moms?




  1. I think it depends on what state you're in. Like here in Texas I could not get my son on Medicaid because I made over $1300 a month. Which is ridiculous considering insurance for him would be about $500 a month. He has a dead beat dad. So in situations like mine, and maybe your mothers, we just have to join the other 45 million americans who are uninsured.

  2. after the divorce it would be your moms income plus child support.. also It is usually the repsonsibilty of the non custodial parent to provide health insurance.. your mom can request that in the divorce.  

  3. If your dad pays child support (either now or after the divorce) this will be counted as income for your mom. If dad does not live in the same household, his income will not be counted.

    Google medicaid and your state to see what the guidelines are in your state. If she is over the guidelines, they usually have other similar programs available with small co-pays or premiums that she would qualify for.

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