
Quarter horse bloodline question?

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what bloodline of quarter horse is best for western pleasure and general western riding?




  1. well Zips Chocolate Chip has been the leading sire of WP horses for a long time, he a very nice horse.

    here is his website

  2. Two Eyed Fox


    Jackie Bee

    Have great bloodlines.

  3. Brown

  4. It doesn't actually matter what bloodline a horse came from for it to be successful at a certain discipline or task. What does matter though that the horse is willing to do it/trained to do it and is healthy! There are a lot of horses that have bloodlines that are really good for Western and Western Pleasure. Western Pleasure is generally for horses that are a pleasure to ride. That usually means that it is well broke and responsive.

    Also the judges can tell what bloodline your horse came from, all they can tell is how you ride and how the horse is listening to you. You can also have two very good horses from a good bloodline and still make a bad horse with either conformation or attitude.

  5.   Most people will say that anything going back to Zippo Pine Bar would be the best western pleasure horse, but the judges don't really care about the bloodline of the horse so much as quality of movement.  Is the horse flat-kneed, deep in the hock, soft in the bridle with a gentle look in its eye.  I have had two Boston Mac bred horses that are such talented movers, and their sire really isn't all that great, he's more halter-type.  

    That being said I would look for the quality of movement over bloodline.  I don't care how well-bred a horse is, if it moves like c**p, the judges aren't going to look at you.  You can only do so much with a bad mover to get it looking better, and it's better to start with something that moves well in the first place.  I look for some sort of recognizable bloodline like Poco Bueno, Zippo Pine Bar.

    In paints I've always like the Bonanza bred horses.  They might not always be very pretty to look at , but every one I've had the chance to work with has been a spectacular mover.

  6. You bet, Zips Chocolate Chip is big here in Canada.  A showy western pleasure horse is rangy, and tall  with a quiet demeanor. The judges like to see a swinging gait and a nice head with a nice eye.  For general western riding, Peppy San  lines throw a nice quiet, smart and cowy horse.  Two eyed Jack is good too.  You might check out some of the Western Horseman books on the great Quarter Horses to learn about what the different quarter horse lines were bred for.  The cutting and reining lines can be a little hot, but there are some nice quiet ones there, too.

  7. Zippo Pine Bar. But what Mak. said, it doesn't matter about the bloodline. The blood just helps create a certain 'look' for a pleasure horse. Western pleasure horses are very lean looking, my joke abotu Zippo Pine Bar horses are they don't have much of a butt. Unlike cowbred horses who are musclar all over.

    You don't have to own a pleasure bred horse to compete in pleasure. My pleasure horse is running bred on top and cow bred on bottom. But he hates cattle and hates running, he's super lazy. He made the idea pleasure horse for that.

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