
Queen lizzie and her hissy fit?

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when the queen was asked to remove her crown for a picture,she got the hump and stormed out,but now the "evil unknown forces"

in buckingham palace have set the wheels of censorship in progress and denied that"her madge" actually walked out,even though,when you watch the video,you can hear her ranting on indignantly,about the horrible colonial photographer.........

does the house of windsor think that the general public are stupid?

do we really care if she stormed out of a photo shoot?

why does buckingham palace have to change evidence to keep the queen whiter than white.who cares if she got the hump with a second rate american photographer that i have never heard of and stormed out,which she obviously did,good for her!!!!




  1. I think you will find that HRH did not, in fact, lose her cool; the photographer was rude, and HRH does not care about being the paper, she is used to it.

    She merely stated she was not going to change anything. Good for her. Why should she?

    Also, the events were two different ones, and the BBC has apologised.

  2. Have you actually got a question? Sounds like you're the one that's ranting (and your facts are wrong). Get off your high horse.

  3. It didn't happen that way.It was edited and then spliced together the wrong way.Well,that is the BBCs story and that is what they are sticking to.

    Who the h**l does that photographer think she is anyway?It is bad enough for a woman of any age,let alone someone in their eighties,getting dressed up in all that regalia without some stupid ignorant know nothing american with a camera saying that it is "too dressy".What does she think that costume is anyway?It is dressy,that is what the bloody thing is,DRESSY.

  4. "evil unknown forces" A King once said to a wise man,

    You can have anything in my kingdom

    The wise man answerd

    anything but your secrect.

    Would you want to know it ?

  5. not the general public thats stupid its just you.  The BBC has said that the two events didn't happen in the order shown.

    She was moaning about the clothes she had to wear on the way to the photo shoot and then the photographer asked her to remove her crown.

  6. It was the BBC who got it wrong. And anyway why shouldn't HM Queen loose her rag with a bossy US photographer in her own home. Good for her.

    If it had been olden times, she could have said off with her head!!!!! Lol

  7. Don't rubbish Liz she's a nice wee wummin.

  8. Its NOT the fact that she was 'asked to take off her Crown.'  Its the idea, that in full "regal dressing" someone would THINK to ASK HER to take off her Crown!  I mean, this woman KNOWS who she is, she has carried on a dignified life, even when those around her faltered and died.  To 'not know' what is appropriate dress for "these gowns" would be to "not know her job" and her job calls for her to wear her crown when being photographed.  If Ms. Leibowitz (of whom I AM A FAN) wants an informal portrait, she should not ask that the Queen is dressed in the Robes of the Garter, and wearing other emblematic symbols of state and country.  Perhaps just sitting in her drawing room in normal clothes would be 'less formal.'  But, please, don't tell the Queen of England how to wear her robes and Crown!

  9. Yeh good on her! The country isn't reaslly run by the Queen any more so her image shouldn't matter!! Any way i think the queen should have some kind of attitude... WHOOP!

  10. Didn't happen that way.  That's why.  With careful editing, the BBC made it look bad for HRH.

    Stupid photographer should have known better.

  11. If she only wanted to be shown on her good days she should have stipulated that from the start.

    Evberyone has bad days but not everyone can complain about everyone else knowing about them. I know she is 81 but...grow up.

  12. the lates news is the BBC apologised to the Queen because the photogragher was rude.

    there is protocol one must follow or else you don't get your photo.

  13. It would had been good if she actually did.

  14. It was all made up by the BBC and they have since apologize/

  15. Well this would be a great and interesting question if you hadn't got the facts wrong....she didn't storm rather puts an end to your rant doesn't it.

  16. Good on Her Majesty The Queen. She should have had the mindless photogrpher beheaded. Like who the h**l does he think he is?.....oh, right.....American. Say no more.....where royalty is concerned they have no sense of protocol...or for that matter occasion. Off with his head.

  17. The BBC has apologised for wrongly representing the story.  Even if Her Majesty did storm off, didn't she have the right to be angry like anyone else?  We're all allowed our "bad days".  If she was made to feel obliged to pose in what must be a very uncomfortable outfit, then asked to be "less formal" who of us wouldn't be fed up?  Being Queen doesn't mean she's not a normal woman who gets annoyed with stupid people.

  18. I just heard it was a BBC mistake, the footage was edited out of sequence to make it look like she was was throwing her rattle out of her pram.

    But, like you say, good on 'er if she did

  19. I don't think there was anything wrong with Her Mag for getting upset.  She has earned the right to have a bad day! The lady is in her eighties and working a schedule that most men half her age would balk at get off of Her Highness's a**!

  20. I think it was on the news tonight that this wasn't the case. Thats how the production company that made the programme for the BBC wanted it to look like through editing

  21. SOoooooooooooooooooooooo Mr Bones .. seeing as EVERYBODY else has corrected your half-arsed story .. dotcha think you owe Liz and her public an appology ...

  22. "God save the Queen; she ain't no human bein' " !

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