
Queen of England & Emperor of Japan?

by Guest33574  |  earlier

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If the Queen and the Emperor met and shook hands, which one will have to bow? many heads of state bow to the queen when they meet her but since the emperor is royalty as well.... what would he do?




  1. I'm pretty sure that if they met on Japanese ground, she would curtsey, first.  If they met on British soil, it would be the Emperor bowing first.  

    Protocol for visiting heads of state, and all.

  2. The Queen of the United Kingdom does not bow to anyone. As most of the European Royal Heads of State are to varying degrees related to Her Majesty, they would kiss. However I think The Queen would simply shake hands with the Emperor of Japan. The Queen is Head of State, She cannot be seen as giving the sign of being inferior to any  other Head of State, only equal.  The Emperor would bow to The Queen as this is the culture in Japan.

  3. I guess the emperor ,due to the fact he is a man.

  4. There equal in status, so it depends where, they will normally bow both, still in protocol the man should have to bow first.

  5. Protocol dictates the one visiting the other gives the honors.  In the Queens case she would probably curtsey or something.

  6. He would bow first and then kiss her.

  7. I think as their status is equal they would most probably shake hands. The Queen does not curtsey to anyone.

  8. i think they are at equal ranks, the queen does not govern as much as the prime minister and is only the face of the government, the empress of japan is the face of the government as well, and people respect her greatly as people do with the queen of england

  9. Regardless the Emperor will bow as it's a Japanese custom.

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