
Quesiton about marijuana???

by  |  earlier

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I smoked pot for the first time the other night with 2 of my friends and as we were walking outside in the dark i had a very clear hallucination of a leaf on the ground that i was sure it was a little toy dinosaur at the time. The hallucination lasted about 10-20 seconds until i could really tell what it was. That was the only hallucination i had, but could the weed have been laced with something else??? or does that regularly happen??




  1. na thats normal man when im stoned i see things too. it just makes ure mind look at things diffrently and string together shaped n stuff

  2. It was probably the pot and the fact that it was your first time and hopefully your last time. You are smarter than that.

  3. don't no pot head ! like u is a follower! be a leader baby!

  4. Marijuana is a mild hallucinogen itself, so that alone could have done it.  But it is also quite common for people to lace marijuana with things like PCP or formaldehyde or cocaine which would cause it to have a different effect  

  5. i like how u think people on the mens health would know about regulay marijuana use. but yea its quite common for something small like that to happen. but if you mistake a house for something then its laced

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